What are games you would add to this?
Cuhrayzee Games
Other urls found in this thread:
>buncha japanese shit
Sekiro definitely
west can't into combat for some reason
>cant into combat
in your opinion
it's a fact even western developers recognize just look at god of war interviews for example
>he keeps naming AAA shit
Are you fucking serious? Okay, bitch, name a game that isn't fucking Blade of Darkness. I dare you to name a game with combat mechanics that aren't shallow all to hell or aping off a Japanese parallel.
Sakuna of Rice and Ruin (made by the same devs as Fairy Bloom Freesia)
Icey if you can tolerate low-budget 2D gameplay.
Maybe Sekiro
My Friend Pedro if you like gun-based cuhrayzee
Nier Automata
Pick whichever Yakuza game you like
Fist of the North Star
nioh 2
He's not wrong, Jap games most definitely have much better melee combat than their western counterparts.
I can't think of a single western game that comes close to the games in the OP in terms of melee combat.
The west is better when it comes to gunplay, but for melee, absolutely not.
>name a game that i think is good
kingdom hearts
Wow I can't read shit, was that pic made for ants
Fuck you, then, poser.
Its because melee is more reliant on animation and let's be fucking honest here, Western games can be pretty as fuck but they lack a lot of the dynamic and weight to make something feel strong when instead they opt for realism. The moment you opt for realism, then you can't really make a combat system that feels good.
ok but where's RE6? Or we gonna roll this carpet out for the thousandth time
Shoo phoneposter, shoo.
OP's pic needs to be updated
Astral Chain if you want to play as a cop with Stand powers in a cyberpunk city with better combat than Cyberpunk 2077.
>DMC4 perfected it
Outright horseshit; DMC4 was terrible.
>Can beat the game with nothing but Rebellion, E&I, and Trickster, and the game feels fine/fun
>Game purely rewards you by letting you do more cool shit when you start experimenting with other weapons and styles
>Jump-canceling and other such techniques allow even more fun
DMC4 Dante:
>Styles nerfed due to being able to switch between them
>Easing your way into the controls is impossible because of the raised skill floor; if you want to stick with Rebellion and Trickster, then you're just knocking enemies away constantly and spending half your time merely chasing them down, and it feels horribly clunky and you should kill yourself for not already being good at the game
>Constantly moving your left thumb to the D-pad because the geniuses at Capcom thought that having four buttons to decide what one button does was a good idea
DMC4 Nero:
>The gimmick of his sword is that you need to press another button (with tight timing) after each sword swing in order for your sword swings to not feel fucking pathetic
>If you don't like that obnoxiously constant rhythm game you should kill yourself
>Charging up the pistol is a critical part of your arsenal, but holding your thumb on the left face button to charge it makes it impossible to play the game properly
>Meaning that the fucking DEFAULT control scheme is blatantly ill-suited to playing the game, and you need to customize it to make it functional
DMC4 just feels terrible to play. It veered off from what made DMC3 so great, and we still lack a good DMC3 successor. Even DMC5 trying so fucking hard to celebrate the entire series that it feels like a fangame fails to scratch that same itch.
>/cgg/ returns
No thanks, that general sucked and the people sucked more.
>Sakuna of Rice and Ruin (made by the same devs as Fairy Bloom Freesia)
Wow, picked the fuck up. I fucking loved Fairy Bloom Freesia.
i bet this chick has flat fucking titties
You should also grab Astebreed and Ether Vapor Remaster, 2 pretty good shmups by the same developer.
rain and korra are bad, add Killer is Dead, DmC DE (YES, deal with it), Assault Spy.
Not Sekiro, pretty different genre I think
Nioh 1/2 though are actually pretty Cuhrazyeee though
Just a heads up, while Sakuna's combat is basically just a more polished version of Freesia's with a LOT more variety, a significant amount of the game is a mildly in-depth rice farming simulator.
Personally I enjoy both, but just be aware going in, because I've seen a few people complain about it.
Would be amazing