Attached: 5.jpg (800x772, 345.62K)

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i like ya jump, g

So what's the story with this? I've seen the meme for years now

Attached: 1606946366557 chibi the jocker.png (521x521, 114.98K)

>is an autist
>takes up speed running
>goes to SGDQ
>realizes he can't get laid
>becomes the girl as a solution

He should have used fast pants


autists making fun of another autist every day because they can't come up with anything else to do with their lives after 5 years

how do I not end up as a loser like chibi?

Can't get laid, turns into a girl, lays himself in a grave. Love the speed runner cycle.

Attached: 1458553866121.gif (107x84, 257.86K)

if you're posting in these threads it's already too late for you

cheated a frame-perfect trick as the tas runner of the game was watching.

Dont speedrun games. Playing games as much as speedrunners do is bad for your body and mind.

not to mention his own mom disowned him and called him a waste of life, you cant make this shit up

Attached: KEKW.jpg (1125x1125, 68.23K)

Literally just go to university, get a job, and get a girlfriend. At that point you're above 85% of this website.

is he doing the creepy trans-lesbian thing? i hope some poor drugged out bitched doesn't feel pressured to virture signal by having sex with him.

he should've stayed quiet

get a job.

Is this true?

yeah it was in a thread not too long ago on here, someone had the tweets and evrything, shit was gold


Attached: Screenshot_20201203-230832_Brave.jpg (1080x894, 285.85K)


i'd say 95

> No no word
ffs, who talks like this?!

> at a bar with my mom and her date
im done. IM. FUCKING. DONE.

What's the context? How did he cheat?

ITT: Cancel culture in action.

Make no mistake, my friends. Chibi is a victim of cancel culture.


How was it cheated?

pretty sure the "no-no word" guy is being condescendinh

It's incredible that people live lives like this and don't feel a constant urge to kill themselves

Oh shit WHAT this runner who became a tranny is literally the same annoying obnoxious cunt that kept making cringy jokes for hours non stop during that awesome Tomba 2 run, and the runner literally had to tell this dude to be quiet
How did I never realize this before

I don't see any indication of him becoming a tranny. Where are you getting this from? Doesn't really look like he's taking HRT.

Attached: oZLSNO4W_400x400.jpg (400x400, 22.79K)

>I am accusing you of cheating
Who the fuck actually talks like this?

he should just get off the internet and be autistic alone
just keep collecting the bux and stop embarrassing yourself

>ffs, who talks like this?!
People who dont want to get ban on Twitter

He's just a neckbeard with gay dyed zoomer hair from his pics.

Attached: Ek3r2IVXYAAUFQQ.jpg (1152x2048, 354.74K)

oh please. People are doxxin and calling each other a nigger. You really think saying "Faggot" would get him banned? Twitter ist the retarded version of Zig Forums

>Degenerate tranny autistic son
>Slut old white mother hungry for a dick
>Cuck who is dating an old slut and her autistic son
This picture is 200% american

His wearing of women's clothes

In case you guys haven't put 2 and 2 together this is the same guy from
>"I'd really prefer if you'd be quiet"


Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 45.63K)

a person that uses their precious moments on Earth to carefully watch another person play video games rather quickly