Name a more soulless engine

Name a more soulless engine

Attached: Unreal+Engine_11_18_UE_Feed_Migration_Images_FEED_THUMB_UE_Logo_Generic-1400x788-c11642ffb55e268095321f5eb144f469beb0074f.jpg (1400x788, 57.09K)


gg ez

Attached: 5f337f9d5472f84f010a3672_welcome-to-rpg-maker-web.jpg (1200x630, 253.25K)

fox engine

This but unironically


Nothing else even comes close.


This but not including the porn games.

Why is it soulless exactly? Was was off about that UE 5 tech demo for example?

Why wont people make games in Unity?
Is it really harder to learn than rpgmaker?

the nuhitman engine

Are you retarded? Unity is way more complex than RPG Maker.

Whatever engine Ubisoft is using for AssCreed and Watch Dogs

Wasn't being ironic
The porn RPGMs are the most soulless of them all.

This is probably the best available answer.

Two different engines.

Both soulless

>The engine used for Origins, Odyssey & Valhalla
>Bland, boring, uninspired RPG engine rip off
>Engine used for AC1-4
>Fucking genius, a miracle AC4 even runs on the ps3

The LS3
This thread now belongs to /o/

Attached: nal-19370416_xl.jpg (1600x1362, 185.2K)

Frostbite is the most soulless engine by far

What's the most SOVLFUL engine though?


Unironically gamebryo

>he was filtered

source 1 and goldsrc

Both are just modified Quake 1 engine which is where all their soul comes from.

This. most ''modern muscle'' falls under the soulless category.


unity is actually very simple to use.

Unreal Engine 2

This and Ren'Py

whatever the fuck ARK runs on