The era of brown and bloom was much better than the current zoomer era of shitty Overwatch/Fortnite cartoon graphics...

The era of brown and bloom was much better than the current zoomer era of shitty Overwatch/Fortnite cartoon graphics and bright colors.

Only children and soi don't understand that games can have a color palette that isn't Fischer Price crap. It's the same as how idiots like movie with lots of blue and orange because muh contrast muh saturation.

Brown and bloom was great.

Attached: 3df.jpg (686x751, 53.7K)

This is the video game equivalency of an old man bitching to his grandson about "back in my day things where better you know!"

>The era of brown and bloom was much better
No, it wasn't you nostalgic faggot.

Yeah dude, like yes

ah yes because we where much better off when every video game looked like Fallout 3

>Brown and bloom was great.

Both are shit.

you are full of shit user

You're forgetting that that era popularized QTEs and cinematics. Say what you want but at least Fortnite is 100% gameplay

Is that fucking Thanos in fortnite??

NO it wasn't it was disgusting 25 fps garbage that looked like shit and lacked creativity