In hindsight, 2007 was a fantastic year for video games. So much kino in one year. Zoomers had it great as kids

In hindsight, 2007 was a fantastic year for video games. So much kino in one year. Zoomers had it great as kids.

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but all of those games except portal suck?

You have shit taste.

Medal of honor airborne, such an underrated game

True, being a zoomed I was born away by all the awesome games I played then.
This filled me with great hope for fantastic future, which then turned into disappointment, and now a soulles void.

>you’ll never play halo 3 for the first time ever again

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Jesus Stalker came out in 2007? God I feel old now. Great year, 1998 is probably the best though.

how are asscreed, crysis, that specific c&c, cod, a wow expansion, halo and witcher any good?
bioshock isn't bad but it is system shock in shit. the orange box is kinda meh and mass effect was ruined by the following games. didn't see Stalker, that game is great as well

>Not even Bioshock
You have shit taste

>mass effect
>the witcher
>supreme commander
I liked it

>Europa Universalis 3 too
Great year


>Zoomers had it great as kids.
zoomers would've been like 5 when these came out. These are millenial games

The fuck? Lol no they aren't. Zoomers were 10 when they came out. They're zoomer games.

Why do millennials like you try to steal zoomer games?

Millennials claim everything for some reason. They'll claim something that was 5 when it came out, but get triggered when zoomers do the same thing

Not him but you have shit taste.

*they'll claim something when they were 5 when it came out. but get triggered when zoomers do the same

I don't get it though. Don't they have their own culture to be proud of?

Never thought about it, but you're right

Some years are known for being really good for vidya. 1998, 2002, 2004, and 2007 are stacked.

They like to claim anything they consider good, so they can make zoomers feel like they have shit childhoods? It's like how 2004 was considered shit because it wasn't early 2000s, but when they realize there was good stuff from that yea they quickly threw it in "old school." Same as Millennials saying 2005 was shit, but they will claim ATLAB

That's really pathetic.

It was kino

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>Halo 3
These are all zoomer games you fucking mongoloid


Why you taking to yourself?

Yea they did it with the early 2000s not they'll slowly creepy into claiming stuff from the rest of the mid 2000s

Will you castrate yourself on camera for me?

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Yes they're all watered down shit. WoW destroyed the MMO genre by streamlining it. Halo and CoD were mocked relentlessly just 10 years ago on here. Bioshock, while having a great story, withered down much of what made System Shock 1/2 so fucking good (die and not be punished for it). Fuck off back to Red dit.