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Banjo threeie twice

Jak IV

Donkey kong racing
Megaman legends 3

Fuucckk that’s actually tough. Definitely Banjo Threeie, and I’m torn between Dinosaur Planet, DK Racing and Jak 4

Dinosaur Planet and Banjo-Threeie so I could be able to play remasters of them on Rare Replay.

Deep down

all shit

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I'll just take metroid

Why because there’s no weeb shit 50 hour long chink Chong rpg where you take turns hitting each other on her list? Cringe and kys

i hate jrpgs
nice try though user

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project hammer and banjo TRI

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Saturn Sonic Adventure

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rayman 4 and jak 4 assuming it doesn't get pozzed

Rayman or Jak

none of the above.

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>Project Hammer

Oh man I was looking forward to that

>all dead franchise
Sad! at least Megachads are still somewhat active

banjo threeie and metroid 64, easiest decision ever

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Dinosaur Planet and Rayman 4

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sonic and rayman 4
3D Rayman was based, I dont know what that sonic game is but I want it

Change it to Conkers Other Bad Day and it + Banjo Threeie are easily the best choices

Banjo Threeie and Dinosaur Planet
I just want my 90s companies (Valve, Rare, Bioware, Ion Storm, Black Isle, Looking Glass) back

Mega Man Legends 3

>all these tranjoke copers crying and begging their cereal bear to be relevant for the 1st time

Jak 4 Starring Owen Wilson


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Are you avatarfagging?


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Threeie and Project HAMMER

wtf is this thing trying to say?

your irrelevant cereal bear is dead and were all laughing

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Project HAMMER & Mega Man Universe

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