Now that Treasury of hydro sucks, CEO of geo sucks, elevator master of GEO sucks and secretary of cyro ALSO comfirmed suck
Now that Treasury of hydro sucks, CEO of geo sucks, elevator master of GEO sucks and secretary of cyro ALSO comfirmed suck
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I really hate this culture of whining about characters. Why can't we just be objective?
>Childe sucks
Xiao is cute and I hope his banner comes soon.
Only downside is that I already have Venti and Anemo + Anemo seems like hot garbage, but Xiao could be on a second team.
>getting excited about 15% dmg
Good luck dethroning the king.
[Spoiler] no seriously, good luck. This game has a cool cast of characters, and fucking meta in a singleplayer RPG is ads cancer. I'm not really for balancing. I'd much rather every character be buffed to the fun zone.
Capitalized my "s" cause I am a filthy phone poster. FUCK!
They seem serious about retaining the balance at least for now. I wonder how long it will hold up. Maybe Inzauma will shake it up.
In what way? Is there any way to put Amber on the same level as any of the rest of the roster? There are definitely tiers of usefulness present.
I just hit 25, should I raise my world level immediately or grind out materials and shit first? I don't know what to expect.
xiao is getting nerfed like the other beta charactes, he's also a shitty ameno character who can't even do reactions
>I'm not really for balancing. I'd much rather every character be buffed to the fun zone.
wish they'd fucking get on with this already, there's a few characters i'd love to invest into if they made them just a little bit more powerful and/or less cumbersome to use
They don't suck, what's happening is that because this game is ultimately for fuerdai and other financially retarded/reckless demographics, they're starting to needle them for more money by couching their mechanics in the constellations. Now at c0 you get a demo version of the character.
Its 45% damage you fucking moron.
People have been taking the main story characters to the last levels of Abyss and winning, so I think it's less that the characters are good and more that with enough creative thought the game is easy enough that it doesn't really matter. Which in the end, is mostly a good thing.
where the fuck do you think you are?
Zhongli is objectively not super great in comparison to most other 5* units currently, but you can still take him to the hardest content we have and get some use out of him, so there's no reason to be upset about it
The ice set sounds good too. Cocogoat could pump a bunch of crit dmg with it
>5% base crit chance
>20% more if you do charged shot lv2
>20% more on cryo enemies with is a guaranteed with her charged shot
>20% more on frozen enemies if you have a hydro character in.
>15% more if you run 2 cryo team
That's 45% on normal case.
i'd be upset if I purposely saved up and neglected the 3 banners before it for him because you may have missed out on venti or klee
Legit I'm dropping this game if they approach this route.
4set is awful
I just want them to fix the anti-synergy with Chong (and Bennett's last constellation).
who fucking cares you gay chink niggers
Would you really, though? As long as you approach the game with a modicum of thought and halfway decent gear, you'll still be able to clear any content the game throws at you, and you did it with a character you actually wanted, sounds like a win to me in the end
The way around C6 Bennet is you don't activate the constellation at all. If you did it's all on you.
Chong actually has good synergy with Diluc. Cryo Normals ----> E loops, free melts.
>elevator master of GEO sucks and secretary of cyro ALSO comfirmed suck
Nice headcanon fujoshit
I cant help that gooks made the first mobile style game with actual gameplay. I hope your home isn't filled with "made in China" shit, lest you be a hypocrite.
being able to clear things and being able to clear things with a character you like playing over a character you dont like playing are two different things, people banked on zhong being cool as fuck because he is cool in the story and a god damn archon, people expected venti levels of busted
there is no character in the game that can use the 4set bonus.
Rosaria might be the first but we only know her constellation set
>The way around C6 Bennet is you don't activate the constellation at all. If you did it's all on you.
That is a pretty dumb way to think about it. You are completely invalidating a 4* roll because the devs were too incompetent to balance their game properly. Not even remotely the player's fault.
Just give me my undertaker wife already.
sorry but xiao is not strong anymo
okay? turns out that isn't actually needed anyway and you can still get use out of him, so even if he's not venti busted in the end, does it really matter? it's a single player game with co-op, the big dick meta numbers aren't really necessary yet
>cucking yourself out of a game because of Zig Forumsshit
There's a big bitch fest about it everywhere because it's allegedly going to be the same with ganyu's kit. Half a char until you get constellations.
except he is? venti is busted because of his burst same how he can spam his burst every 12 sec with over 40k dmg everytime
Before they were deleted, that site showed that Rosaria had a hard-hitting set of normals for a polearm user (like Claymore-tier ratios), but without multihits. This is also coming too