You have one chance to forever delete one of them from existence.
What is your choice left or right?
Genshin Impact - Cyberpunk 2077
Genshin was boring so i'll delete it.
at least genshin is cute
i plan t watch cp2077 on yt
i'm not even sure it'll be good enough to watch anyway
Tranny punk.
LGBTs and niggers must PERISH
Right cuz it *might* have actual consequences
Deleting left would just have something else replace it
Cuckpact is boring as hell
Created for autict who want to become a cuck
and beta male
somehow Cyberpunk managed to piss off both the left and the right where both claim they won't play the game. impressive
I want whales and lucky players to suffer more than I want normies to suffer.
GI is chink spyware
How shit will CB 2077 run on the original xbox one?
>Asking for a friend..
Right. Because ultimately, Genshin is going to be eventually forgotten about whereas CDPR will keep shilling Cyberpunk for years to come.
Right, only asshurt nintendies would go left
Trannypunk easily. Got 200+ hours into Genshin already, with 50 bucks spent on waifus. Cyberpunk will be over in 20-30 and costs 70.
Left cuz gacha is the pure cancer.
right at least genshin has some good lookin waifus, unlike the western game devs who are hell bent on making characters ugly on purpose and "realistic"
Gachink impact.
but seriously why not both
both of them make nincels seethe
right but a day after its release just to see CDPR drones cry
gacha whales will just latch onto something else
>Delete chink Skinner box game that is a BOTW ripoff, has kernel-level spyware and is filled with micro transactions
>Or delete DRM free RPG with no micro transactions
Anyone who chooses 2077 is a fucking retard or a Chinese shill
and here comes the seething tranny, right on cue
Kill Cyberpunk, genshit is just another shitty mobile game in a sea of crap already. Also it has good fanart at least.
I’ll never play either of them, but without a doubt the gacha shit. Fuck gacha. Fuck weebs and fuck chinks.
here fixed it for you
It's a trap.
Would you anyone want to delete either? Genshin is brilliant and Cyberpunk looks like it will end up being a good bit of fun.
I will never understand you Zig Forumstards. You don't even play video games yet you have an incessant urge to want to dictate what other people should be allowed to enjoy. You're the most cancerous version of a social justice warrior that Zig Forums has ever had to put up with.
left, fuck weebs
Funny how fast Zig Forums forgets. A few weeks ago Genshin was the most hated game, now cyberpunk.
Makes you wonder what it’ll be in a few weeks from now
If you delete genshin then more tranime shit will just gush in like shit onto a cesspool to take it's place. And I want to pirate cyberbunk and revel in the shitposting with Zig Forums so I won't delete either
>chink or tranny fuming about a shitpost thread
Fucking coomers with their shitty fan made art
>Mmmm I love getting fucked in the ass by China as long as they give me prettt anime girls
Holy fuck, just learn how to use sad panda you pathetic waste of life
Then maybe someone will make it again as a decent game.