Spiders make good monsters.
Spiders are faggots.
This applies to dogs too
put some tits on it and we're good
>a creature with 8 legs and 8 eyes that expertly crafts a trap for it's prey where it will paralyze them and slowly suck out their fluids and it has a habit of eating its partner after mating or get eaten by its children
I don't know why it's popular pick either OP
It's a homage to the grandfathers of RPGs. Not putting them in would be sacrilege. It's be like repainting the Sistine chapel because "It's got too many white dudes, we need representation up there".
what's up with all the anti-spider propaganda today?
y'know, reasons
Spiders are scary.
Its an archaic idea stemming from humanities evolution back from the stone age where everything could kill you. Have you seen how small spiders are? Even if I actually bit you the venom is far too weak to kill you.
>you need the spider to kill you to be scary
Look up necrotic venom. Half the spiders that are in my back yard won't kill me, they'll just cost me what ever I was poking them with. Learned that one the hard way, and now pee sitting down.
humans have innate primal fear of spiders
there are two types of monster designers
the first ones are the ones putting spiders and evil rats in your game
the other one has an active e621 account
Okay faggot, try to imagine an nonexistent color if you're so smart
if your game doesnt have a pile of slime goo as an enemy then its not an rpg
It's a classic D&D/Tolkien fantasy monster.
>non existing color
Anybody else getting bothered by this recent reddit arachnophobia fad? So many people pretend to be DEATHLY scared of spiders to the point where they can't play a fucking video game without having a panic attack. And most of those are males too.
>wanting humanoid monsters
oh you sweet summer child
I feel I have a spiritual connection to spiders.
A sort of greenish purple...
shut up pussy
go back to fucking reddit.
Consider a house that vores people
totally haha
I just remembered Grounded is still in Early Access lmao
I'm bothered by you
depends on your definition of the word. I've seen people bitch and moan about spiders back in skyrim and I can't understand these people's damage. I don't like bugs or arachnids since I despise the feeling of them crawling around in my skin, but I at least have enough understanding of reality to know a virtual spider isn't shit, yet people keep crying about frostbite spiders
Nice try fag, still not letting you make a home in that corner.
I have a webm just for you, my dear nu-male.
Let me guess, It was started by a streamer.
Indeed. Who cares about spiders, clearly the worst thing is water. Especially at night.
>dude let me in
>I'm a fairy
People getting legitimately afraid of video game spiders is a meme right?
I'm not saying you have to let them into your house and give them a kiss.
But how the fuck do you get dramatically spooked by some pixels arranged to look like a spider?