If I had a time machine, I’d live this all again. It hurts so much. Share your comfy og Xbox live memories.
Thread theme: youtu.be
If I had a time machine, I’d live this all again. It hurts so much. Share your comfy og Xbox live memories.
Thread theme: youtu.be
>be an 8th grade anxious ridden introvert
>bullied, fat almost no friends nor girls
>have counter strike on Xbox
>it’s fun but can I really bot match forever?
>look into Xbox live
>Easter surprise, I hook up
>make my gamer tag my name and a bunch of numbers
>first match ever everyone calls me a beaner for my gamertag
>wtf is a beaner, haha this is fun
>get gud, top 30 player
>meet new friends, other nerds at school with live
>my best friend joins
>meet our first gamer girl, see her pics (gamertagpics.com kek), boners galore
>wolfenstein and rainbow six for days
>meet a cool Azn cutie through another fren
>we click and in a chad autist fashion begin to date
>make more frens from school, have a huge mutual friendlist
>game and laugh all through our first halo 2 summer with each other
>there for the first foundation zombie matches
>me and my azn cutie playin btb daily
>9th grade comes around the corner, I build enough moxie that summer to lose weight
>come to school and everyone shits their pants
>my convo practice via live pays off and become well liked
>my online cutie and i fizzle mostly to my newfound ego
>fast forward 15 years, reflecting my development
>butthurt I wasn’t pro on halo 2, check stats
>see my entire game log on bungie
>see my azn cuties gamer tag.
>sift through all our custom games and online btb matches up until our last custom game
>see all the frens who supported and loved me as a bro
>it was never about competition
>it was all about the love and companionship absent from my life and to grow from it
>shed some grateful tears
Fuck party chat. 6th gen was peak.
I still remember the first time I played Halo 2 online. Shit was KINO bros.
That and customs in Halo 3 with the boys on a LAN. Those were the days..
>being nostalgic for paid online
absolutely cancerous.
the MCC really hurts, bros.
I wanted to go back, but the matchmaking is somehow worse. All the gametypes are shit, it's all BR start, and nobody ever talks.
The worst part is there's no pre-game lobby.
Waterworks, big team battle. No one knew what the duck we were doing but we were laughing like mad lads. Me and some other guy thought it was smart to move boxes around our flag kek. Beautiful loss.
Not everyone had a proper pc game, nor did it have halo 2. Once my school friends joined in it was no looking back. You missed out m8
When did you last try it? I play it all the time and its great. It had a terrible launch though.
Halo 3 and reach play especially great.
>no one talks
>no pregame lobby
This is why I ditched consoles altogether. When everyone was chatting and actually working together and developing bonds, it was peak. People made long lasting friendships and even got married cause of it. I won’t even touch MCC, saw it as a false glimmer of hope from a mile away.
Xbox Live taught me English. Those were simpler times. Just voicechat and friendlist, nothing else.
So many hours playing Whacked!, Rainbow Six, Splinter Cell, Ghost Recon, Crimson Skies. People with voice changers, playing demos, renting games.
I wish I could go back.
>Classic Rainbow Six
amazes me how much Ubishit ruined their own franchises
It still amazes me what a step backwards GR:Breakpoint was from GR: Wildlands. what the fuck happened? Also are we ever getting another splinter cell ever?
neither of those are Ghost Recon plus they're both utter shit
>be in beta
>only have an rc racing game
It's like they didn't want anyone to actually test their shit.
That pic is pure soul
Fine, let's go further back. Advanced warfare 2 was my favorite. I still think wildlands brought something new to the table.
There's an upcoming VR Splinter Cell game BUT it's Oculus exclusive.
I miss Xbox 360-era LIVE since people were more liberal about rage mailing you.
there's only one Ghost Recon game which came out in 2001
Hated those cunts with the keypad. It was the beginning of the end during that era. Bad company 2 was wildly fun. After that game it was the end of online console gaming for me, clearly made the right decision. It’s utter shit now.
The thing I kind of miss about the early Xbox Live days is the rise of machinima outside of Red vs Blue (mostly facilitated by Halo 3). They weren't all professionally done and were a little melodramatic, but they just had a certain pure soul about them, a bunch of late teens or early 20s kids adding copyrighted music to enhance their plots. There are machinimas I remember really liking that I'll never see again because the YouTube Machinima channel is gone and they took the legacy of all these developers with them
>no longer include headsets
>nobody ever talks anymore
Go figure.
Everyone is in party chats now, you can't go into an online game and call your teammates a bunch of faggots anymore
Well I understand that but even before the hugbox cancel era it was silent as fuck. Just a demonstration that the lowest denominator is the norm.
That shit was soulful as fuck. My of lads and I would watch that shit while in dashboard lobby and watch World Series together. Random niggas from around the world. My /x/ theory is that micro$oft didn’t want to facilitate an avenue for masses of like minded people to intermingle and share thoughts and opinions about the faggot ass world around them. I remember having engaging talks about 9/11 and Iraq back then.
>Nostalgia thread about XBL
>It's a bunch of zoomers who started with the 360
Daily reminder that you can't call yourself an XBL fan if you didn't originally play the following:
Rainbow Six 3
Halo 2
Farcry Instincts
Conker Live and Reloaded
Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
(and a few others I'm drawing blanks on)
How was instincts on live? Sadly missed out on it. Chaos theory was fun as fuck
It was really good. All the modes you can expect, map maker, vehicles, good weapon variety, nice tropical atmosphere.
The game has aged like milk though and the remaster on 360 was god awful.
Chaos Theory was too good. The multiplayer is still unmatched, and the coop was as good as campaign. The fact that guards could hear you and your teammate talking was amazing. Lots of games back then used experimental or weird mechanics like that you don't see anymore. Another example is proximity voice in Halo 2. It frustrates me how online gaming was devolved.
>Zig Forums is now nostalgic for the service that ruined online multiplayer forever
t. someone who never played the original xbox live
I understand, you're just ignorant.
I was born in 91, I just didn't start playing online games until the 360 was already out. Unless you're using Zoomer as a relative term