First reviews : cyberpunk is bad

first cyberpunk reviews are in and cracks are starting to show
its not looking good bros
he brings up some good points...

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didn't ask

Another one of these threads

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>bigmap = good

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Is this that dude that made 5000 resident evil videos?

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Time to wake up and smell the coffee

ok I watched the video and this dude is a good troll lol. good impression of donald trump in some parts.

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What the fuck

jesus christ. imagine the stench

kek. I love how all his videos have huge dislike bars and he doesn't care. Big dick energy


Not caring about this game until Matthewmatosis review

You GOTTA respect his hustle. Dude must actually be making cash from this.

Reminder that you too could be a retard online and get paid for it.

I'm too retarded for that

Well yeah, I too wouldn't care if I were receiving free money thanks to those retards who dislike my videos

Holy fucking BASED.

since you were brave enough to klick on a video in OP, please tell us what is going on here.


he lists out some valid points and flaws in gameplay

El Hermano de JIRENGAMER25

in my eyes he tears down every semblance of a sliver of hope for redemption that CDPR had

He's an algorithm chaser. He creates a half dozen videos for the same game ahead of time, all with different opinions, in order to game the Youtube algorithm.

All to fund his meth habit.

That's pretty cunning, shame his inspiration is meth according to what you say.
Anyways fuck all streamer / youtube culture.

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hourly "cyberpunk = bad" thread can you faggots get a fucking life already

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OP is milking youtube algorithms and will probably get deleted if more than 2 people actually reported his channel for spam



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