Dead or Alive

Do you think Kokoro is cute?

Attached: Kokocute (2).webm (1060x1080, 2.51M)

why is she slimey

Kokoro's Gem was today's Steam login bonus for me.

Attached: login.jpg (1920x1080, 116.48K)

Attached: Kokoro 10.webm (650x720, 3M)

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I love Luna!

Attached: alchemist bun on duty.jpg (2160x3840, 1.03M)

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So I got this thing from today's free roll, is it any good?

Attached: 1607207353447.png (960x540, 728.28K)

>15% chance, Stamina Consumption -40%
I believe it can eventually be upgraded to 35% chance, Stamina Consumption -60%


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Attached: DOAX_VV 2020-12-05 19-12-13.jpg (2160x3840, 3.67M)

Attached: Nagisa 33.webm (1066x600, 3M)

Attached: Kokoro on thermostat duty.webm (732x1080, 3M)

Rude desu.

>can't auto the ss+ gold coin match
Maybe I'll try my luck with trendy gacha more.

Attached: Chi3DGo8yF.png (1296x745, 1.01M)

Not particularly, she's a very generic jap bitch (I literally can't tell her apart from Momiji), but she does have really cute win animations. Her weird "dance" where both of her feet are rooted in place but her upper body is moving is fun to watch.

Absolutely BASED

>I literally can't tell her apart from Momiji
That's called faceblindness and is just about par for the course in autism cases. You're welcome for the diagnosis.

Based on what?

Attached: DOAX_VV 2020-12-05 19-16-16-1.jpg (2160x3840, 3.41M)

Attached: Fiona 22.webm (632x700, 2.97M)


Attached: kokoro doa mad 1575131586290.webm (1920x1080, 1.53M)

The card (one of the TEC SSRs) is a fake SSR (it has an SR skill on it if you pay attention to the numbers) - that one is total trash, only good as upgrade fodder.
The other three are the types with the lowest chance to proc & biggest boost. At max it's 35% chance / 60% boost.
It is still perfectly usable like that, but I would personally prefer stuff like the cards that end up at 50% chance / 45% boost etc. for reliability when choosing a card I would bother with upgrading.

With 20 crayons, you can also make a level 5 SR card, which is the same strength as a level 2 SSR would be, so if you're looking for a skill to equip, those are an option as well.
From this you can also logically get that if you don't have enough dupes to get an SSR card to at least Level 3, it's not worth wasting materials and it's better to wait.
For the skills themselves, the only really useless one is the one that screws with the Opponent's STM, the rest has its uses. (debuffing opponents costs no extra stamina to use, meanwhile buffing your own POW/TEC will increase how many points you get when you score but raises STM usage)

>Do you think Kokoro is cute?

Attached: Sweet Youkai Duo.jpg (1920x1080, 613.89K)

>le wholesome stoic actor (HES STOIC youre not allowed to say le wholesome keanu reeves cannot act!)
>le wacky artsy jap dev who made le famous video gaymes
>le youtubers are so relatable, lets put them in our game!
>le you can customize your le sex junk and have le sex like the witcher, this is a mature game fellow gaymers!
>le lets put recognizable streamers everywhere even though it will break the immersion of being in a fictional setting and it will remind you youre only playing a 70 dollar videogame
>le marvel movies and GTA sell well, so lets make our cyberpunk game light and quirky with plenty of funny quips. no dark, depressing cities, we need le GTA but rayguns and robots!
how will anyone deny that this is reddit:the game now? and how will people deny the heavy presence of CDPR/discord shills, theres been a fucking "can you run cyberpunk" thread up every single minute of every single day why did mods delete my post even though most people were agreeing with me?????

Are u ok user?

Based on Tamaki's peppermint garden.

Big chungus moment

Attached: DOAX_VV 2020-12-05 19-13-27.jpg (2160x3840, 3.48M)

No, that's called "they're both generic plastic fuckdolls with long, straight black hair".
Only significant visual difference between them is that Momiji is taller, but most of the time you can't estimate their heights because they're alone in the shot. Only when you see them side by side it becomes clear which is which.

>You're welcome for the diagnosis.

>all the new fanarts thanks to Azur Lane collab
I need moar

I love Kasumi!

Attached: DOAXVenusVacation_200424_025938.jpg (3840x2160, 943.41K)

>here's more evidence of my faceblindness
Cool. Don't know why you felt the need prove it further but cool nonetheless.

What are you supposed to use to turn SRs into SSR fodder?

The little pink pens.