Does this pop in look normal to you guys?

I feel like I'm losing my mind

Attached: aesfg.webm (1920x1080, 2.31M)

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Use an SSD.

Use the sliders in the advance settings.

the game is on an nvme drive
it's maxed out

Why do you keep making this thread

because I want to figure out why I get pop in

Why do you care so much
Enjoy the game instead

this isn't tech support retard

nigger where the fuck do you think you are?

Is it just the shadows?

fucking cyberpunk looks worse and worse

I built a pretty good PC I want top of the line performance not this pop in garbage

You need to max your settings out.

If everything is maxed out then you are fucked - that is just how the game handles LOD.

this is not maxxed out I guarantee it

It's trees, bushes, and minor environmental detail. what's weird is that it's consistent across all games. I don't know if it's a brain glitch and I just started noticing it more but I don't think it was like this on my old build

It's not about your fucking PC its about the game

I don't know what to tell you bro, it is

it's consistent across all games tho and I'm not the only one with the same problem
it's a mystery

post specs

are you running any mods?

GTA 5 is obviously a game mainly made for ps3/360 so it has some detail pop in even when it works normally but thats pretty bad, and not how it looks on my pc or even ps4

i had something similiar once though, i installed some mods and didnt do it correctly and it caused some weird issues

>what's weird is that it's consistent across all games.

Might be a system issue, user. Don't know if I can help. Sometimes it's just not worth the hassle.

at first I thought it was an issue with the trash 5700xt drivers but rolling them back does nothing. neither does updating, switching OS doesn't help either. people are reporting the same issue on Nvidia GPUs as well

Attached: fhrf.png (1547x1007, 64.54K)

play on a next gen machine

no mods

>this is what console retards actually believe

Attached: 1592497962050.png (509x423, 236.63K)

not that guy but I've never seen a problem this strange on consoles. I love my PC but troubleshooting shit like this for days on end can be annoying

R* doesn't care.

No popins on ps5

There are two menus for graphical settings iirc, see the view distance and detail distance

What are some GTA5 mods
I heard you can put the features from online in singleplayer?

least it doesn't happen right in front of your face 6 feet away

Attached: GOTY.png (879x426, 423.43K)

yea all are maxed out

I got this when playing this game. I think it's just how it was designed. Believe me, the more you play GTAV the more you realize how fucking dated and ugly it looks becuase Cuckstar thought rushing this out for pS3/360 was a good idea.

Attached: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.jpg (1524x1046, 562.9K)

10 years ago I was obsessed with pop-ins I thought there was something wrong with my PC since it was new and I might have overpaid. I made 10 trips to the shop for them to inspect it they even tried with new graphic cards...

The answer is I was a scizzo and that's how all video games work. pop in is completely normal that's how all modern engines render shit. Take a break

Pretty much. Some games just have better quality Levels of Detail for the pop in so it is less noticable.


I think this is the case I might just be losing my mind, a brain glitch or something

imagine playing rockstar trash in 2020

on your old build did you have the same monitor? Did you play at the same resolutions? My bet is that you just didn't notice it before

same monitor same res. I upgraded to 4k recently and it helped reduce the jaggies substantially but the pop in is still there. I'll try to ignore it best I can but it's just a very strange situation