>bosses who don't fuck around
Bosses who don't fuck around
what a sexy character, very clearly the son of 2 gods
>Bosses that didn't age well
it's a bug
Why did the pale king train this guy to be such a hardcore warrior? Wasn't his job to just be a box to hold the radiance in?
wait, what is this?
Time Eater. A boss from Slay The Spire
Great game.
And he loved that little box son like you wouldn't believe.
Also because he thought the stronger you were the better you'd hold in the radiance.
you need a big guy for that work
But your character is small as fuck
Your character spent time away from Hallownest and didn't get any of that parental attention.
Or meals, if vessels are supposed to eat anything
>Pure Vessel
>not Absolute Radiance
>make sure not to burn through heals too early
>you better have full HP before you face pic related so god forbid you if you already used your noodles/pie
>if you already kept them you better not use them and still take damage by the normal attack or get chipped away by the attacks that hit you during your turn
>longest battle in the game by far
the ost of the battle was the only thing that didn't mind dying multiple times
Jesus i made at least 5 mistakes writing this post. I should go to sleep.
This dragonfucker
>dude like what if we took a boss and then made it do double damage lmao
>Filters 60% of the playerbase
Are you kidding me? I've beaten him 6 times in a row without dying. Each and every DLC boss is infinitely harder.
Have you ever dream nailed infected enemies? Their thoughts are like mindless zombies repeating orders to "Kill the hollow one...".
That's the radiance brainwashing them to find and kill the hollow knight to release her. They can't find him though so they attack our character since we're a vessel too and they don't know the difference. King must have known this was a possibility and trained the Hollow Knight to be able to defend itself in case anyone ever tried to kill it to release the Radiance again.
If playing on the higher difficulties this fucker will teach you to parry or you won't be seeing any more of the game, so I suppose that qualifies for not fucking around.
legit the only video game boss I gave up against, I cannot beat it
pure vessel is also fucking lame considering nightmare grimm and absolute radiance are much more intensive threats than him
Fool, I have transcended above every single boss in the series. Only a small amount of my kind can provide proof they have SL1'ed and no death'ed the entire franchise. I have the most right to say which boss and game is harder than most people.
I know that ever asking this question just feeds into the comic, but does anyone ACTUALLY have trouble with gaping dragon? I've played dark souls more times than I can remember and the only time I've ever died to gaping dragon is the time I accidentally ran off the cliff in the boss room.
a sexy bug
literally impossible
Now let's see you get a girlfriend.
I've watched a friend play and actually got killed twice by him, which was probably the most that loose pussy alligator ever got out of someone
Today, I will remind them
Markoth is way harder
I once got killed by him because I didn't expect his attacks to kill me in one hit so I wasn't being on tiptoes around him.
Man, have you SEEN the Radiance? He had to be the strongest possible box.
have you tried using your intellect
I have the Demon's Souls remake to keep me busy, not a filthy femoid
>brags about beating every souls boss level 1 naked blindfolded with your feet
>can't even beat real life tutorial enemies most people beat at 13 year olds
>Tried him with ele crit great sword first five times like a Mormon
>Swap to ele dbs and just shit on him
Capcoms fault for suddenly wanting to make elemental weapons a necessity.
You'll take a turn when I LET you take a turn, faggot
Why is there only ONE bench in the Hive? Running back to the Hive Knight is a huge pain.
*strikes first*
Ah, company...
Yes, by parrying. Pretty ez pz.
The only hard part about her is that avoiding being dogpiled by all the goons nearby her requires fighting her in a 10 sqft box