This is what I was promised
This is what I was promised
Don't care, still buying it
Still not playing your latest GTA mod.
Never trust some fucking polacks. Scum of Europe.
Wait for The Last Night
dude, nothing will hit like this movie did. Seeing it in a dolby pro theater was a riveting experience. The vibrations from the booming speakers shook my fucking seat it was so fucking good fuckkdscksk
And that's what you got, only the bitch has the hair a bit shorter.
No, that's what retards wanted. Nothing like this was promised.
But that's a man user
Not everyone is a faggot like you
No user, that's Blade Runner 2049, it's a movie.
Remember what they took from you
This honestly just fustrates me. What the actual fuck were they fucking doing with those almost 8 years? I know the gameplay took a different direction but did the guys at CDPR fucking even look at their first trailer? They couldn't even follow through? This shit is a blunder and its not even out yet.
>What the actual fuck were they fucking doing with those almost 8 years?
Cutting content
>I never looked into the setting!
>It should have been BR!
Filtered hard.
You right, some of us are faggots like you
Should have voted for Trump then.
>nothing will hit like this movie did
A colossally boring waste of time, and without meaning compared to the original?
stick to transformers bro lol
They got fully pozzed and taken over. Original cyperpunk style aesthetics is toxic masculinity and too much sex appeal for males. It had to be taken over.
No it wasn't. Here's something that will help you out in life: just because you imagine something will happen doesn't mean other people have promised it to you.
sort of like you tranny?
I think I'll stick to Blade Runner (1982) if that's ok.