It's time to confess Zig Forums
It's time to confess Zig Forums
I lost my cool and slapped my controller once.
I enjoyed Maneater and wish there were more games like it.
I make Cyberpunk Shazam threads because I can't afford to play the game.
I haven't played videogames since 2018
I fapped to the tranny from Cybercuck 2077. I regret every second of it.
I can't stop fapping to blacked.
I bought Blasphemous but haven't finished it.
I play 2hu on easy modo
I could play more but here I am, reading shitposts all day.
i got back into league of legends
I am a virgin at 24 and never had a girlfriend. For the first time I’m in love with a girl from work.
jesus christ user...
I'm the one who snuck the suitcases under the table.
I haven't played a game since like 2016
Over the course of a decade I have purposefully ruined the reputation of at least a dozen series here
while you think of her she's getting bred by bbc
I like /ss/
I put myself out there and matched with someone on bumble. We have left the app and speak every day on whatsapp and it's been about 2 weeks now. I'm gonna make it bros...
Same but only for ARAMs and the "fun" modes
>tfw Nexus Blitz is coming back
name em
Forgot to admit that the mods absolutely despise me.
>Play jrpg while shidding in the toilet
i like videogames
Same with emulating vidya on my phone.
What JRPG and what do you use to play?
I dont
My mom fucked me when I was playing Crash Bash and she kept fucking me everytime I bought a new game on the PS1 stopped around the time I got a ps2 and I went through puberty
I was playing Xenoblade DE on casual mode for a while. In my defence it was only for grindan purposes
My dog died this morning and I felt nothing. He was too old and cost a lot of money to keep alive at his age. I'm glad he's gone because all dogs are based and go to Heaven.
I looked at his dead body and shed a single tear. Meanwhile my dad can't stop grieving because he's a little beta bitch boy deep down. Makes me sick.
I think in the original Doom only episode 1 is good.
I voted for Ghost of Tsushima at the Game Awards Player's Voice, but I actually never played the game, or any of the nominated games for that matter.
Just a few.
Love Live
Undertale (partially)
Dragon Ball (partially)
Hunter x Hunter
Some other gacha/mobileshit that I cannot remember
Steven Universe (partially)
some Zig Forums and Zig Forums shit I don't know
Anything with (partially) I just added fuel to the fire. Falseflagging and samefagging is a powerful tool if done correctly. Just look at Ruggarell.
I don't play videogames at all I just like to talk about the pretty girls
What do you mean exactly?
How did it happen?
I only bought Glittermitten Grove because of the fairies, I've yet to open the door to Frog Fractions 2.