Nice frame-rate you have there.
Bloodborne did nothing wrong, except for putting Gascoigne a little too early
Please for fuck's sake just release the pc port already. I don't want to dust off my ps4 just to play this anymore. I want 60fps and quick online connections and the ability to turn off all the fucking chromatic aberration.
It’s honestly a shit game, I’ve beaten it, PC fags please believe me when I say it isn’t good, snoys just cling onto it because they have nothing else on the console
for port begging
Nah, I literally bought a PS4 for this and it was worth it. Reminder that Bloodborne only exists because of Sony's regret for not backing Demon's Souls hard enough. Its a beautiful turn of events
No. Bloodborne was beginning of the end for the series. Fuck it. People will remember it as RE4 of Souls games in the future.
> RE4
you mean probably one with the most acclaim for both critics and casual players, getting a bunch of remakes/remasters throughout the years, and is considered the gold standard of its genre?
>People will remember it as RE4 of Souls games in the future.
A sequel that abandoned nearly all of the design principles of the games that came before it in order to sell massively more to a different, larger audience and consequently ruined the direction of the series for the next decade?
More like the game killed Classical Resident Evil, then yes.
Literally every person I show this game to can't get past Gascoigne and I have to say that they dropped the ball on putting something so difficult so early.
It took me several tries to beat him and that's too many for the average person nowadays. After decades of games being reasonable in their difficulty curve, many people don't have the patience for this level of breakneck pace-change anymore.
It is a rather archaic fluke in the overall design.
Gascoigne was ridiculously hard for how early on he is and I have to dock it one point for that.
For the framerate I will dock it 9 points, leaving us with a total of 0/10 shit game
I think your freinds are just retarded
>tfw it's Demon's Souls Classic: We are aware of the RPCS3 Edition
any mongoloid can google a strat tho. Isnt that what normies do is mirror lets plays and follow guides?
If we never get a port, at least we can count on it being emulated, eventually.
I have like 400 hours in BB and being able to play it with a higher graphical fidelity would be really nice.
I think you're probably right but I beat the whole game including Moon Presence so how do you explain that, mr. smart guy?
Even after I told them about the music box they typically can't beat him anyway.
I mean I never really considered my friends are astronomically retarded until now but I think you guys are onto something here.
Nah that version won't sell and they are aware of it.
It's not the game's fault that it's on a tragic console.
bro i beat Gascoigne on my second try and i'm shit at this game. amelia on the other hand...
this, fucking unplayable
it took me legitimately two straight days to beat Gascoigne, but it was worth it since everything after that was completely manageable (before the DLC. I got to spend days on Ludwig and Orphan again)
Fucking retard, I can tell from this comment alone that you are an insufferable retard with nothing to contribute to society
It's so good. It was my first FromSoftware game and I nearly gave up twice but I'm glad I didn't because it's easily one of the best games I've ever played.
It's a fantastic game and if you think it's shit then your taste in video games is absolutely fucking horrible and nobody should ever take you seriously
Laurence is the cheapest motherfucking son of a fuck ever made for a boss fight. That is all.
Laurence is the easiest of the dlc bosses other than failures
I don't like Lovecraft, maybe that's why I didn't like Bloodborne, sorry sonybros.
most bosses in the game were fun, not hard.
the thrill of the challange is what people go to these games for.if you find hard games unfun, then why are you playing souls, are you unable to listen and read? do you not build a fire because chopping the wood is hard? if you dont like fires dont build one.
It's a good game, well above average, but yeah, it is vastly overrated because a ton of underage snoys have never played a souls game before this came out on PS4. Build variety is a big step down from previous games and unlike Sekiro it doesn't improve enough in its base combat to make up for it. The base game bosses are all piss easy, too.
Also, never forget even best estimates from the most pro-snoy websites out there don't have it as being owned by even 10% of PS4 owners. Truly abhorrent taste from consolefags.
>fighting loran darkbeast
>enters 2nd phase by directly siphoning my frames
Replaying DS1 lately I realized, if Elden Ring comes out and is more of an action game than an RPG, I will be sorely disappointed, I totally trust FromSoft to make an amazing game either way but I was really hoping this one would have been a return to slower paced, more stat based combat of older Souls.
Leaning into faster action combat is dope too, but it resulted in Souls becoming way easier as more and more mechanics got dropped, like poise being practically a nonfactor, armor doing jack shit for protection, and rolling stamina consumption being way lower since Miyazaki wants you to dodge instead of blocking and tanking due to his action combat boner