Didn't even sell 400 copies on steam

>didn't even sell 400 copies on steam
>Didn't sell enough to actually appear on the Eshop's best sellers


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what happened?

In the mind of the GamerGater™ there were ten thousand people with money in hand that suddenly recanted upon hearing the devs deleted five out of 600 jokes.

They didn't advertise a rerelasae of a game everyone already has and should have been a free update.

The devs decided to recast a white character with a black voice actor because white people are evil, and they censored a bunch of harmless jokes suvh as one joke mocking skinheads and a joke about tear gassing violent college students

>remake of a niche game in an already niche genre that was extremely easy to get already, meaning just about everyone who wanted it already had it, doesn’t sell a million copies
>Must be the SJWs’ fault!

Goddamn anti-SJWs are pathetic.

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Shame. The little bit of edge that S&M had was the only thing that kept it fun for me.

It's not because of going woke, it's because nobody cares about Sam and Max.

Not after this sjw remake they wont. Sad. We could have gotten something great with real devs

the moronic SJW defending it always use the same arguement "it isn't a big deal, it's only a small 'x'", completely deluded to the fact, that such a SMALL thing was changed in the first place. Hang em all on minecraft.

Only furries bought it. So it'll do fine cause furry money

Seething trannies. Here lemme help you dilate.

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That’s sure to change people’s minds and convince them to empathize with your point of view.

This is why Biden won.

>censored a bunch of harmless jokes suvh as one joke mocking skinheads

Now that doesn't make any sense, if they wanted to paint white people as evil, they wouldn't be against this.

Using facts and logic makes you a tranny?

people who like sam&max certainly don't buy into the zoomer woke crap, i'm never gonna buy this game and i'll not have it infest my library even if it's in a $1 humble bundle

Being a tranny makes you a tranny, tranny.

>devs claim that nothing from the original game will be altered in the remaster on their website
>people find out they replaced one of the character's audio with a new actor because the original actor was the wrong race
>devs double down on their previous statement claiming that they're not changing any of the in-game content aside from this
>games releases and it turns out they did actually alter some dialogue because they're weren't "comfortable" with it in 2020
>people call them out for lying
>they add a bit to their website claiming that they didn't censor anything despite this
>turns out they also straight-up cut out dialogue in one instance, making their added statement another lie
>one dev tries to defend these actions by stating that "Sam and Max would never make fun of someone for something they can't help"
>even though Sam and Max outright call someone ugly in one of the episodes
Basically the devs are retarded and pissed off the small fanbase S&M are currently lucky to have. If they weren't comfortable with the jokes featured in a game written in 2005, they should have just stuck one of those "this game is a product of its time" messages at the start and called it a day.

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How do you check how many copies a game has sold on Steam?

fuck those cucks. another one for the list.


Suck it up, you pathetic weakling. You are acting like a literal goddamn THREE-YEAR-OLD.

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It because the joke is something like

>What are Skinbodies?
>Skinbodies are like the Skinheads, only 10 times worse!

The context being that the skinbodies are just harmless rats that shoplift shaving cream cause they love to shave their bodies

This didn't need a "remaster" in the first place

So does anyone know where I can tell the dev team that they are not getting my money now.

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Keep talking like that and I'll shift gear into 4 year old overdrive tantrum fuckface

>Suck it up, you pathetic weakling. You are acting like a literal goddamn THREE-YEAR-OLD.
Insulting people isn't going to get anyone to buy your game.

Skunkape's twitter. You'll know they'll read it cause they instantly block anyone who criticizes them for the changes

The steam forum for the game, where they are censoring people's complaint threads

>I'm not gonna buy this remake of a game I love because of the changes they made to it.
>You are acting like a literal goddamn THREE-YEAR-OLD.

you're one of the devs aren't you?

I’m sorry your parents didn’t beat you and teach you proper discipline, making you cry about insignificant little baby stuff like video games, you’re crying over actual VIDEO GAMES. Like a BABY.

Video games are for fat nerds who live in their mother’s basement. Soft and doughy when I punch them!


They even blocked people for calling them out. Oof. When will these companies learn that all they are doing is pissing off the real fans when you pander.

Thankfully a mod for Bosco is already in the works.
Still not giving any money to the devs, though. They can fuck off for lying to people.

I was actually going to buy this but didn't when I found out the devs were cucks. Never played the original. They're free to make whatever game they want, and I'm free to tell them to fuck off.

Why did they expect none of this was going to come out? This is the age of the internet, information spreads fast.

It would have sold just as poorly if they hadn't been cucks and hadn't censored anything. No one gives a shit about Sam and Max anymore.

speak for yourself

i fucking love sam e max, but i will not be buying the remake because i dont suport censorship

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>one dev tries to defend these actions by stating that "Sam and Max would never make fun of someone for something they can't help"
Wait wtf when did they say this? Sam and Max regularly mock characters who have mental or physical issues.

>This is why Biden won.
he didn't though