What type of people buy CoD each year?
What type of people buy CoD each year?
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Hard working regular dudes who want to unwind after work.
I buy treyarch
Master sergeant shooter people to the max
It's the Fifa of FPS, so literally everyone that owns a console
>Activision banked 3 billion dollars in one year alone from CoD
Highway robbery at its finest.
I only buy if it has Zombies
Modern Warfare is the only good cod
>playing against twitch streaming zoomers that have injected themselves with gfuel and crack
Wrong game for that nowadays
Pretty much every dude where I work does. Normalfags, basically. It's all they play. They'll step outside the box every so often for other shooters if they get enough hype but COD is their bread and butter.
Dudebros, i have a friend who buys a cod every single year.
>Buy game
>Download 150GB
>Play game
>Error Disconnected
>Boot up again
>Error Disconnected
>Boot up again
>Error Disconnected
>Set Battle App to close upon launch
>Boot up again
>Go to multiplayer
>It's Nuketown
>Get sniped out of spawn
>Spawn again
>Get killed by Napalm strike out of spawn
>Spawn in again
>Semtex grenade lands at my feet
>Die again
>Try to rage quit
>Spawn sniped before I even hit quit
I'm sorry, but this semen-slurping game just isn't for me
Normalfaggots and Normfaggots trying REALLY, REALLY HARD to look like belong here.
Its sort of fun but the game needed more time to work out the kinks. Game has loads of problems coupled with a pathetic selection of maps and guns. Of course this is so they can drip feed you content throughout its life cycle b-but hey its free! I still prefer MWs movement.
Everyone here can say "Normalfags" or "Coomer Zoomer" shit but it attracts the same type of faggot this website does, fags who drop Nigger and whatever other edgy shit at the word go and are ready to blame anyone and anything they can when they die in game.
I didn't know all I know is I skipped CW after Loving MW19.
>who want to unwind after work.
not in sweats based matchmaking
I buy it every three years when the one I bought last is convincingly dead. Fuck dudes let's go back to Black Ops that shit killed
I can confirm this. They literally only play shooters, and cod is their favorite. They're all right dudes, it's not a negative judgement. Sometimes i try to make them play other games to broaden their horizons, but they always go back to shooters/CoD. I wouldn't call them gamers the same i don't call soccer moms playing candy crush daily gamers.
I think they're still "gamers" just a different class thereof. Maybe we can lump them as casual gamers the same way you wouldn't call someone who only watches popcorn flicks a cinephile or listens to rap a audiophile. You can't deny they like films and music, just at too narrow a scope to appreciate it as a form of art in and of itself.
What kind of people keep playing WoW year after year?
too based of a post for a thread this shit
My sister still plays WoW for the retro graphics and because Classic requires a subscription
That's a fair assessment.
>last CoD I bought was BO1, until Cold War
BO1 was better but CW wasn't terrible. Could've used more dev time though probably.
I used to look down on people that do that but now I don't really care. I buy one every couple years if it grabs my attention. Now people that buy sports games every year, those guys are subhuman retards.
I think people calling it terrible are people comparing it to other COD games. It's like 2K, I play 2K ever 4 years or so and it's mediocre to me (I just really like basketball) but it's shit to everyone who's Jewed into buying it yearly
You're just as subhuman as them, don't kid yourself faggot.
The zoomer equivalent of quakedads