Society is

Society is...

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Is it any good? My friend enjoyed the demo

more race mixing agenda from ((them))

aw stop they look cute

>It's ok when jewpanese games do it


She's cheating on her husband. It's the opposite of cute.

This fucking garbage low detail art. Amazing how throwing in multiracial protagonists precludes any and all criticism of your dreadful designs. Looks like free cartoons that middle-aged people make on Facebook. Pathetic.

this one isn't nip. Just uses anime-like style.


What kinda brown monkey looks like that irl

Can someone spoil the story for me

The pen and pencil company?

I hate the western faux-anime style

Titanic but Jack is black.

Is this the latest SJW cucking tranny simulator played by Nintendo soiboys?

So she has a husband??
what the fuck...

The Hero, named Tom, meets the female, named Sarah.

Her holes aren't very wide.

THE DUDE IS NOT BLACK. He's brown, look at the hair.

>white ring wing christian gamers: STOP COMPLAINING! You should be able to identify and self insert into white protagonists.
>one random game has a nonwhite MC
>white ring wing christian gamers: HELP HELP IM BEING GENOCIDED AAAAAAAAAAAA HELP ME
Seriously? How fragile can you be?

oh wow another stupid video game that no one except tiny dick monkey people will play.
It's not even worth pirating just from the impression that title card gives.

Of course she does. But he's too stable, rich and white for her.

So what is this?

Is the gameplay any good/fun?

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Vidya game

Me on the left.
t. spic

Lmao. Is that american game?

The new hotness by the FURI developers

I didn't really like the demo idk. The characters and their relationship are cute but the gameplay just wasn't engaging.

No. You play it to watch the couple do couple things.

Ps5 actually


It’s pretty funny
>ugh, SJWs should make their own games and stop messing with MY games
>they do

Stop shilling this game to people who don't wana play it
But they're not even a couple apparently?

Oh that makes sense, frenchies were notorious nigger humpers centuries before it became mainstream.

How am I shilling?
This looks like dogshit but I'm not some right wing weenie crying about race genocide or some retarded shit like that.
Just don't fucking buy it lmao

Can I be your boyfriend?

Why didn't they make a Furi 2?

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>But they're not even a couple apparently
Then why do they constantly cuddle and have sex?

Inbred trailer trash can't be reasoned with.

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There's not even anything remotely SJW about this game either.

But what do you do in the game???

Matings in their world is decided by an AI or some shit. That's why they escape.
Though even the AI is progressive enough that it mates gays and lesbians, one such pairing leading to the birth of the male mc.

>Then why do they constantly cuddle and have sex?
They could just be FWB. You dont have to be a couple to fuck.

So they made an interactive movie

You watch an interracial couple gossip and fuck.

this game looks like shit.

>false flagging this hard

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Say Black Lives matter RIGHT NOW

It is
The gameplay is absolute trash
I'm just curious what happens in the plot

Not enough art. People want to speed up walking segments to get to gameplay. Now they skip gameplay for story.

Furi also had a BMWF pairing, but that game was actually fun so no one gave a shit