How much do you think CDPR is spending on shills?
>T-They aren't shilling
They are literally DMCing images on Zig Forums so they clearly are.
How much do you think CDPR is spending on shills?
Other urls found in this thread:
I doubt a billion dollar company is DMCAing on fucking Zig Forums of all places. Literally take your meds, we care more about websites like twitter, reddit etc
lmao kys
>Being this much of a stupid newfag
Take your meds, trump lost
More than they spent on the game clearly.
>What is DOOM
>What IS TLOU2
>What is Cyberpunk 2077
You are a shill.
Nigger glow in the dark shill
If you want to post them just change a pixel or cut a second off the end of the webms
Yeah but then people will call them fake shoops based on the pixels.
It’s more about CDPR literally shillin this fucking board in real time
In all seriousness Zig Forums has more influence than any site out there. Because all those sites you listed are repost sites, and they all hunger off of Zig Forums for content. Shilling or silencing dissent works wonders on Zig Forums because it means the normies don't see it.
I miss Moot
he brought the soul
To be fair I do report things, I hate spoilers
Literal shills are shilling this game and faggots on Zig Forums just accept it
>they are literally DMCing
>Bad Dragon has got a deal with 2077
None, there is a couple of guys from CDPR who browse here. They even given away free keys here during GoG sales sometimes.
How does one become a shill, and how much money do they make
I want to make easy money doing nothing
>They are literally DMCing images on Zig Forums so they clearly are.
Probably the entire polish population is shilling right now
remember that Poland is such a shithole that CDPR sales literally affects it's GDP
so more copies CDPR sells more monies Poland makes i bet they have literal government officials shilling right now
>Take your meds
What the fuck? Why wouldn't they try to advertise on here? It's literally the cheapest form of advertisement.
bad bait
A team full of Polish lawyers dropping the HAMMER on IP infringement
You must defeat me in a duel.
The writing. The variety. The city. The storytelling. The RPG mechanics. The choice making. The characters. The weapons and vehicles. The soundtrack. The sound design. The ambiance. Everything about the game is so god damn incredible but you retards are hung up on a few minor bugs because you WANT the game to fail. You WANT the biggest AAA game of the past decade to fail because you want to see single player gaming die and shitty mobile games like Genshing Impact to take over the industry.
Imagine if they took half of their defense force funding and put it towards actually making their games?
Won’t lead to more sales. Getting idiots hyped online with shills is easier
They're not spending a dime.
CDPR has a rabid fanbase that will defend anything they do, no matter what.
Fuck you, buy the game.
I swear I'm going to kys myself if this game is shit.
Todd Howard?
>Getting idiots hyped online with shills is easier
You're right.
You make a compelling argument.
*dabs on CP2077 redditors and paid interns*
>kys myself
This is always funny.
Todd "The God" Howard doesn't need paid shills
(you) do it for free for him
>be retarded tranny
>play savior of video games
You can not make this shit up. This is James Bond level villainy.
I can't even invested on them, so I don't think that much, bad publicity is still good publicity, sjws are going to cry for everything, so why bother. For example look at this critic.
I'm sure they're shilling because everyone does nowadays, but never forget that literally anyone can flag something for a DMCA takedown under false pretenses, autists have done this to falseflag games they've had hateboners for in the past too.
kys newfag
>billion dollar company
>doesn't employ a PRmedia team to dmca their IP on one of the internets vidya discussion boards with the highest traffic
>They are DMCing
based, to bh
They probably traced links back to here. It's not rocket science, and no, nobody is paid to market on an incel board.