>Japanese Anime Cop game with Stand powers
>Still more Cyberpunk than Cyberpunk.
Japanese Anime Cop game with Stand powers
This game was great.
They just have to put Neon signs onto a Tokyo landscape and they got it nailed down, they don't have to put effort in nor should they really try. Now go pick up that trash and dispose of it in the wastebin for shekels.
It was "meh". Most Platinum games get praised more than they should just because they typically have some sort of gimmick attached to the gameplay or ram so much things into a game that something eventually sticks. Story was real yikes. About as generic as it could get.
The writing and voice acting was good
I feel like they tried to cram too many ideas in at once
And I did not care for the astral exploration and puzzle missions
Never got the will to finish it. Now that you talk about it I might give it another try. Please convince me?
Glorifying that profession sadly went out of style
you can't get more cyberpunk than being a future japanese cop
its actually good
Good game
hope it gets a sequel, and maybe also on pc? game was great and couls benefit from more horsepower.