Boobs and asses are fine, but what really makes a character hot imo is their waists. Do anons agree?
Sexy waists
Stomachs are late 90's aesthetic, then everyone got obese so now it's butts
Without a doubt.
At least post a decent one
fuck you man i just fapped and now i gotta fap again
I 100% agree. Wide hips and a thin waist are fantastic.
I like tummies!
So this is most likely a mod, right?
This is the worst thing 2D has done to me. There's plenty of girls irl with big breasts, sexy faces or big hips. But that kind of waist ratio is non-existent in real life.
Time to bring back corsets eh?
What is this?
Div os 2
You know that a lot of progressives read Zig Forums and if you keep posting this they will bring it up in an article and the developers will ban modding
It's a shame Killer Instinct had to launch on such a fucking awful console
>developers will ban modding
they're already banned
>But that kind of waist ratio is non-existent in real life.
I know what you did there. You wanted me to post this.
Waist AND belly.
This doesn't count.
P-post another one...
Who's that? Google, Tineye and Yandex didn't help
yes this is heavily modded ffxiv
She looks modded.
That's actually one problem I do have with MHW, the faces of the characters can be really hot, but the waists are rather thick.
Well damn, that is pretty nice. Though honestly I don't think I've ever seen a woman like that in my life.
I deleted my Shantae folder, but yes OP you are correct just based on the fact that skinny is a rarity nowadays.
Don't do this to me user, what's her name?
What game? Please I'm desperate.
Patrician taste:
Good taste:
Degenerate taste: