Hey Zig Forums, Shazam here, I officially admit that I lost

Hey Zig Forums, Shazam here, I officially admit that I lost
sorry for ever doubting based CDprojekt Red, sorry for all the stupid shitposting etc.
I'm going to buy 100 copies of Cyberpunk as a way to redeem myself, are we cool now, guys?

Attached: 1603853503699.png (1080x1932, 2.69M)

Other urls found in this thread:


yes, show me the receipts.

here's the first one
I'm a poorfag so it'll take me some time to buy them all
do you believe me now?

Attached: cyberpreorder.png (983x801, 358.79K)

Fuck off, Black Adam

I will not buy your game. I will not wear the mask.

I will buy the game and I won't wear the mask

Attached: 1607417700052m.jpg (1024x505, 110.3K)

I love
I love love lovve
How this image exists. And how ridiculous this thread is out of context

I still don't fucking understand how Zach Levi has anything to do with Cyberpunk.

I will wear the mask and I won't buy the game

You know it's really bad when the LARP is this poor

DAY 0 PATCH (fixed nothing according to Laymen Gaming) IS THE DAY 1 PATCH!!! Even the Cyberpunk reddit is losing their shit ahahahaha

"We received a 50GB patch during our review period. CDPR referred to this patch as the Day 0 patch. When asked for clarification whether the patch will be what players were receiving at launch, a CDPR representative told us that the Day 0 patch is what people will be experiencing on launch day. It is the Day 1 patch, only different in name. More fixes will be rolled into the Day 0 (Day 1) patch, but we cannot specify exactly what."


Attached: Screenshot_20201208-214640.png (1080x775, 130.74K)