>the guy that picks female in character creation
The guy that picks female in character creation
I wanna fuck that goddamn twunk so fucking hard
I'm going to go on a limb and assume that you didn't understand this character or what his shadow was about.
yeah i prefer looking at a female ass and boobies, im not an insecure faggot like you
I like to make up backstories for characters I make so I avoid always making the same archetypes
>Shadows are unbeatable unless you accept them as yourself
Would you admit to this in front of everyone?
I pick female characters cause I have a tg fetish and I wish I was a busty horny slut who enjoys getting dicked
deal with it
Only if I've already played a guy and being a girl provides for a different playthrough.
>The regular self-insertfag coping thread
What does it feel like to be totally devoid of soul and creativity?
Yeah, sure. Why wouldn't I? I'm a 28 year old incel NEET, I give absolutely zero fucks about people knowing any fetishes I have.
the entire point of shadows is that they're not you, user
He is exactly what OP described
>Nooo its not gay if the balls dont touch
>I swear its not a man, thats obviously a very feminine penis!
Kanji before his character development would probably be the type of person to pick a male character when he plays a game instead of a female character because he wouldn't want to be seen as some fag for picking a female character.
So if anything your post should be shitting on people who post shit like "IF YOU PLAY FEMALE CHARACTERS YOU'RE GAY/A TRANNY!!"
You just proved me right
Yes. At this point I lost so much that I don't care for what little i have. I will always start from zero.
>lusts after Naoto
>lusts after Teddie
Really? And Teddie since when?
Isn't a shadow an exaggerated version of your subconscious thoughts though? If you're consciously aware that you're a pedo, want to fuck your mom, etc. doesn't that mean the shadow wouldn't talk about that shit?
>game's story turns gay if you choose the male character.
sounds like you need to deal with it and find help my friend
Your thoughts + everyone's perception of you
but then you're a pedo that wants to fuck his mom who is completely open about it in public so you're probably in jail or a mental institution and have bigger problems at hand.
>likes cute things and knitting and is attracted to literally the most attractive girl in school
>thinks he must be gay because she's disguises herself(poorly, but he's fucking retarded) as a dude for clout
>turns out liking knitting isn't the same thing as liking COCK
>anons on Zig Forums struggle to understand this very straightforward concept 12 years later
It doesn't end.
>If you're consciously aware that you're a pedo, want to fuck your mom, etc. doesn't that mean the shadow wouldn't talk about that shit?
It would probably still mention it but in conjunction with the main underlying issue, so it could be something like
>"I'm scared of everyone except my mom and children, all other adults should die and I want to be a little boy forever so I can be coddled all the time. I don't care if its my mom or another little girl, someone please just shield me from the world."
>self insert fags seething again
this desu
>thinking people roleplay in videogame
>not liking the moans of female getting beaten
Persona writing sucks but that's on point.
>>lusts after Teddie
Play the game first
>to literally the most attractive girl in school
But he gets no reaction from Rise
Or Yukiko
Somehow too smart of a game for people, holy shit.
ITT: Kids falling down the slippery slope try their hardest to cope with it
I'm not a pedo nor into incest, so my shadow wouldn't be like this.
But my shadow would probably say I am, just to make me look like shit in front of everyone.
It's not just your actual thoughts, but your anxieties about your thoughts.
Kanji was afraid he might be gay because he found himself attracted to what he thought was a man so his shadow played that insecurity up to 11.
It happens with Rise when her shadow is a literal stripper whore because she's afraid that's what she basically is as an idol, and with naoto when her shadow is a mad scientist who wants a sex change because of japanese mysogyny or whatever.
So if you were a pedo and you had a shadow, it'd probably take the form of whatever thing you were currently most WORRIED or UPSET about, so your shadow might be a prisoner on death row and your dungeon would be jail or something if you were more worried about that and just tangentially also a pedophile.