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The reason is, why should i care?

>Hypnospace Outlaw
This is the most soi I have seen in a title in my entire life.

it is one of the most basic things you can do tbf
even anime still does that retarded darkening of action scenes to avoid it

If I can't enjoy thing
Nobody can enjoy thing

epileptic are the biggest drama queens after vegans and cyclists


should've consulted someone on how to make their game more fun instead

>game legally required to have warnings that it could possibly cause an epileptic attack
>people get mad that it could possibly cause epileptic attacks

imagine an epileptic vegan cyclist

I fucking hate cyclists so much. I live in a place with cliffs and hills everywhere, roads that wind around them, and cyclists who ride 2 or 3 fucking abreast on them all the fucking time and cause cars to have to dangerously pull out and pass them. They've caused so many accidents its fucking infuriating but they don't give a fuck

>gets a seizure in the middle of telling you about how he is a vegan cyclist

But they do give a shit by culling the weak and dumb.
If you are retarded enough to play a game with flashy light while being epileptic, it all your damn fault.

>see some flashy lights
>brain go cray cray
have they just tried like... not having seizures?

CDPR is absolutely based. Seizure inducing strobes look fucking killer when appropriately added to a scene. At most they should only ever give an option to disable it, so many avoid strobing entirely despite it adding massive immersion to scenes when used to convey an exhilarating moment or furious anger.

I'm epileptic and games like cyberpunk let you change the brightness ingame which protects us from flashes fucking us up, this guy is just a major league faggot and drama queen.

it's a pretty good game though

and having a pattern of flashing red and white lights that's almost identical to the kind of pattern that medical professionals use to diagnose epilepsy is definitely bizarre. how the hell did that happen

Why the fuck would you even play action games if you have such condition. Absolute retardation.

The worst is how they always convince local governments to give them cycling lanes that dangerously narrow the roads, but never use them anyway because it's "their road too" IMO

because muh ableism or something

No brightness tuning can stop the braindance

I have not once got a seizure from any game with a seizure warning

>cyberpunk let you change the brightness ingame which protects us from flashes fucking us up
The journalist who got an epileptic seizure from the game used those kinds of monitors that reduces blue light, didn't work.

A black trans vegan epileptic cyclist

imagine being so weak that a couple of lights almost kills you

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Blue light isn't what causes seizures the point in question was the red white pattern that can be dimmed in game.

>how the hell did that happen
the journalist lied or embellished the truth for clickbait is my first guess

>nooo flashing lights ahhh save me bidenman

why do gamers lack empathy?

>it's another "indie dev flings shit at other studios every chance they get" episode

I'm just quoting the original PSA

>Due to the nature of interfacing, there is a lot of red glitching animations seen throughout the game's progression. My monitor has an "eye-saving mode" that dims the blue light in my screen that I often use to help with things like this, and that has helped immensely.

So I guess it did help with those flashes that user was talking about, but not with the specific red and white pattern. I don't think dimming that would help.

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A black trans little person disabled muslim antifa epileptic cyclist.
are they still called cyclists if they have to ride around on a big wheel?

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I mean you and like 95% of the world.

Good. Fuck those low IQ spastic schizos. Video games aren't for them.

ahhhhh I'm going insane twitter save me I literally can't even right now ahhhhh

>how dare you cyberpunk, in our game gay niggersex: 2, [steam link] (on sale rn guys lol) we respect lightsexuals and pans-seizurettes, unlike you

If you haven't noticed the people who predominantly play video games are reprobates shunned by their peers and are thus filled with hatred. They blame their peers as being unjust or corrupt but in reality gamers are usually just shitty people, often stupid as well.

Haha really funny man you must think you're so zmfmskllv keofokwkrjjbcxpslfkkg elrkfmndnjwkeojjc j kcji2km5nmd

rent free

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shouldnt have played a tranny game
to me this sounds like a you problem desu

Don't forget people who have peanut allergies. Fucking ruin things for everyone because they're defective.

this is cool.

Fuck cyclists
Fuck niggers
Fuck fags
Fuck vegans
Fuck women
Fuck epileptic
Fuck genelets
And above all fuck trannies

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If you look really closely you can see god.

Thought seizure warnings were mandatory in the EU.

>implying journalists are somewhat smart and don't spend all day talking about drumpf in their polygon articles


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I blame online multiplayer

How the fuck is it that people with an outstanding lack of empathy concentrate specifically on this fucking board and Zig Forums?

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Oh, thanks for fixing my dead pixel bro



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How can you tell if something is seizure worthy do they make a bunch of epileptic sit in a room watching every new piece of media until one of them goes off?

He had a seizure because he couldn't withstand his tranny ass being raped so hard.

>Fuck you learn how to give a shit
Wow that really makes what you're saying sound like a smart and well-reasoned argument. What goes through these people's heads when they post this kind of shit?

No that's Kurt Eichenwald.

How the fuck is it that trannies still expect performative fake-empathy and other virtue signaling on a completely anonymous website?

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reading them isn't

What if they just put an epilepsy warning before the quest?

90%+ of epileptics aren't the kind who have it triggered by flashing lights

Don't forget people who complain about vegans unprovoked

Don't you dare forget celiacs.

Used to work in the kitchen at my mum's pub. One day my gf came in (she worked on bar) and said to our head chef

"I'm really sorry but a customer insists I ask you if our potatoes contain gluten and refuses to order until I do"

head chef threw down his knife and literally screamed "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK" and then walked out into the back yard for like 5 cigs

Apparently the dumb celiac bitch asking heard the chef and walked out

I had to cover for like 20 minutes until he came back and I have never laughed so much in my fucking life

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Fast flashing lights pretty much, its called photosensitive epilepsy, not everyone that has epilepsy has it but the ones that have are usually triggered the same way.