20 cybertrainee threads around the clock, when are you going to get tired of it
20 cybertrainee threads around the clock, when are you going to get tired of it
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>t. simp for fat asian whores
Never. Witcher 3 still gets multiple daily threads so I expect the seething to never end.
Aren't vtubers also cyber trannies?
GTAB sheepy
Kill yourself vtuber simp.
I thought it would die down once cyber released but its only getting worse as its release date nears, can't imagine the spam after it comes out jfc
Aw sweetie, is that your first funny video? So cute!
where the puke games at
>So cute and wholesome!
Say it right
Why is she so perfect bros?
Who are you quoting?
Aside from her being trans, is she actually entertaining? Only watched her debut for like 5 minutes and turned it off.
She's gotten better since then I think. Just had a slow start getting into the grove of things. She's especially entertaining during collabs.
>stupid rabbit failed at tnt cannon and blew herself up again
Classic Pekora
>Only watched her debut for like 5 minutes and turned it off.
Same, insufferable cunt.
her model is pretty fucking cute
Too bad it's wasted on a trannoid
literally who
>waaaaahhhh why are threads being made about a newly released game AIIIIEEEEE
Dont like it fag, either make your own vidya threads to shove them out or go back to holobrony.
For me, it's this table goblin
Someone should fucking murder you.
Is Mio okay