What was the first PC game you've ever played, Zig Forums?

Pic related on the Apple ii's at the school my dad worked for.


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Man that art is really nice.

Mine was this turd of a flight sim, literally called Corncob 3D.

No fucking idea why.

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Me? It was P.O.D., a racing game that came bundled with our first home computer.

It was one of the first games to support the MMX instruction set and came bundled as an OEM version with computers using Intel Pentium or Pentium II MMX processors.

The game is set in the distant future on the planet Io. A mining accident unleashes a fungus from within the planet on its inhabitants, causing widespread panic. After most of the population escapes the planet, a few survivors remain on Io, with only one ship remaining. The survivors soup up cars which they race in tournaments, the winner of the final tournament taking the last ship and escaping to safety, leaving the others to die.

Absolutely none of this is explored in the game, but it has some interesting cars and tracks. I had a lot of fun with it as really the first ever game I played let alone first PC game.

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Skill way!

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My uncle was a huge PC nerd and one of the few times I went there with my father he let me play the VS mode in Star Control 2 for like ten minutes.

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Some shitty DOS game. Can't remember anything about it, so it must not have been that great.

My younger sister had the 4th grade version of this, where you had to do the school stuff to collect keys and defeat some bad witch in Halloween land or something. I remember helping her through it but getting filtered hard at the last challenge. It got way beyond what our shit public school was teaching.

TFX. I was too young to know how to accomplish anything (or even boot it from dos) but I still fucked around with it a lot, still listen to the soundtrack sometimes.

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This thing, it was rad.

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