Where do I start? Divinity OS 2 looks like the play after looking through some of them, Pillars of Eternity seems to have lots of bugs and I'm not a fan of RTS turn based suits me more.
Isometric cRPGs
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Pathfinder. After that, just stop playing CRPGs because its a dead genre. Divinity isn't good at all, unless you have friends to co-op with.
just play torment. set combat to easy and put at least 16-18 into wis
baldurs gate is comparatively harder if you were looking at that
I'm no expert, but Fallout and Fallout 2 were pretty fun.
seconding pathfinder, it's a really solid one in the modern era.
maybe bg2 and torment just because of their impact, but if you don't enjoy pathfinder i think you can give up crpgs, it's one of the more polished/user-friendly entries.
Torment, Baldur Gate 2 and Disco Elysium for story
Icewind Dale, Fallout and Divinity for gameplay
Give Divinity OS1+2 a shot. If you don't like the "RTS" or RTwP setting then don't play Pathfinder. The turn based mode isn't very well implemented.
couldn't stand the combat, don't want to play FPS
Pathfinder and Pillars of Eternity are trash, he will get bored with the introduction of the castle management phases