How does Sony do it?

How did Sony come to utterly dominate to video game industry? They have the highest selling hardware, 3rd parties constantly cap for them. They have extremely loyal devs and executives like Nagoshi and Kojima. Most of the media loved them, 9 times out of 10 when you see a game controller in a anime/manga or other media it's a Playstation controller.
How did Sony come to control the gaming zeitgeist?

Attached: sony-playstation-5-digital-edition.jpg (600x600, 39.04K)

>utterly dominate

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Sony has literally become the main face of gaming

They lost to the Switch 2 gens in a row
Seek mental help

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PlayStation has 3rd parties under it's thumb through extreme loyalty no wonder they keep winning.

Which is why GalGun Returns is not coming out on PS4/5 right?

Which is why the new Square game and Nier remake are PS exclusive right?

>the new Square game
Sony paid for two years of timed exclusivity
>Nier remake
Also out on Xbox and Steam.
Sony buys loyalty from mercenaries. Unlike Nintendo who have true loyalty

Because they have no competition?

Switch is for manbabies and literal children to play at the restaurant while they’re waiting for their kid’s meal.

Xbox is a fucking joke and at this point I’m convinced it’s all just a book cooking scheme by Microsoft to claim losses to avoid taxes on their actual businesses.

The only option for poorfags who can’t afford a PC is to go with Sony and gobble up their 20fps walking simulator movie games.