Based frog claiming cyberpunk plot is B-list 90s movie tier
> dildoes everywhere
>They are everywhere, all the time.
>There isn't ONE place in the game that I visited where there aren't two or three to pick up like that, because I actually don't know.
>It's been years since we had a game so full of bugs, constant, constantly, despite the patches and goodwill it is difficult to ignore.
> I see the metacritic score and I want to change jobs haha
>what a fucking scandal.
Attached: trannypunk.jpg (977x660, 77.37K)
this is your brain on cyberpunk 2077
Attached: Eoq-oAmXEAEh8bh.jpg (1430x975, 159.8K)
>being baited by the devs
i would just put them in my games to trigger retards
who else get it early from best buy?
Imagine getting triggered by dildos. This is either high tier bait or OP is eating a bag of paint chips as we speak
I pirated it(gog rip) - but where is Crang?
Is this game saints row now?
I guarantee the dildo thing is an "anti-piracy" joke
It certainly won't bomb but it's never a good sign when they prevent reviews from coming out.
Being bad =/= bombing. Pre-orders alone it's going to be a huge success whether or not it's shit.