>write a character you intend to be despicable
>people love him and this makes you seethe
>write an entire second game trying to prove them wrong
>they love him even more and send you death threats
Just imagine being Uckmann.
Write a character you intend to be despicable
Wait who was supposed to be despicable? Joel seemed just fine to me.
all TLOU porn is way better than the actual games. Its just Joel choking Ellie and impregnating her because he wants to save humanity. What a beast
Uckmann wanted people to hate Joel at the end of the game. Nobody did so he wrote another one.
What kind of a fucking psycho would hate Joel for saving Ellie?
but muh greater good
>>write a character you intend to be despicable
huh? what? where?
>write a character you intend to be despicable
Holy shit fuck off you don't even play games
I dunno, gonna need some sources on that one champ.
i dont think neil wrote joel or ellie i guess its why he fucking despises them so much