>He didn't play Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age Definitive Edition
He didn't play Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age Definitive Edition
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I did, and I liked it a lot.
No, I played the graphically superior vanilla version
I want to fuck the shit out of jade.
Lmao poorfag
I already bought it twice.
They're not gonna get 60€ out of me for the third time.
Shit game with braindead gameplay, sorry but I'm not a severely autistic and mentally impaired hikki, I want my games to have actual GAMEPLAY instead of selecting "Attack" with the occasional "Heal" in a menu for 80 hours, and stories a bit deeper than a spastic early saturday morning cartoon intended for kids under 8.
Even the coomer fanservice is just pathetic in these games, the characters are all cardboard cutout anime tropes and completely unlikeable and unrelatable, and the music is generic as fuck bombastic orchestral loops that get incredibly repetitive and grating the first two times you hear them, it just has no redeeming qualities.
And yes I pirated it on Switch, it was complete shit couldn't even bring myself to play more than 10 hours, I've had far more fun with FE3H, XC2 or even Atelier Arland Trilogy than this autistic brainlet shitfest of a "game".
When does the loli appear in the game? Only played 2 hours so far.
>"I want my games to have actual GAMEPLAY instead of selecting "Attack""
Wait so why the fuck are you replying in a thread about a game you literally do not like the genre of?
Do retards really?
Does it have the loli cat suit included?
A game isn't worth playing if it doesn't let you put a loli on a cute costume and I refuse to pay for it if it is only DLC.
But I played and beat it a year ago.
I'm currently playing it, didn't want to play the original and after seeing the PC announce of S knew it was my team to beat this babe.
Niggers I do like this genre, see the rest of my post. DQ on the other hand is the absolute bottom of the barrel when it comes to JRPGs. Just the fact it has an actual 2D Mode for arrested development hikkis with severe autism is testament to how much this game is only enjoyed by actual double digit, pants on head retards. Also, it failed completely at titillating my coomer senses considering 1. all the characters are extremely unlikeable 2. the fanservice is sloppy and unsatisfying 3. the loli is probably the worst character in the party next to the flaming faggot with the drag queen voice.
Am I the only who absolutely hated the camping system? It's too useful and makes visiting towns almost pointless, and I happen to love a well crafted towns in a jarpigs.
Still I liked the game enough I bought it twice.
I went back to the Switch version because I stopped playing it after beating the second act last year.
What is there to cope about? I pirated it. I only have mild remorse over 10+ hours spent "playing" this garbage after listening to Zig Forums shills like OP.
She looks and sounds mean...
>played the standard version on steam like two years ago
>loved it, enjoyed it, got the best ending with wholesome gemma
>retards bought the game again to get some fanon ending with jade or loli witch and 20 extra minutes of content or some garbage
that is because Akira Toriyama's art-style is terrible
Buying it, thanks for letting me know.
I watched a youtuber's analysis of DQ1-4 out of historical curiosity, and played 5, 6, and 7 (i'd played 8 and 9 before) and was pretty excited for the DE release, but it came out at an unfortunate time as I am still considering Cyberpunk but since it's not on sale anyway i can just wait.
playing it but its not gripping me like 5 and 7 did.
LumenChad fucked his big sister, and Gemma was kicked out. Cope.
can't believe you wrote all this out. Isn't it possible the series is just not for you? For example, I'm gonna guess you don't have very good relationships with your family given this emotional outburst about a video game. DQ is a series about family, and if you're a miserable, lonely shitty person you will probably not be able to understand the appeal of that. I do feel sympathy for you but I want you to direct your energy toward less self-destructive activity in the future.
Keep seething jadefag. This is the only real ending.
It's pretty crazy how well he is able to design drastically different looking characters with his very simplistic art style. It's funny that it tricks retards like you who can't into detail. A better model for this comic for example would've been Goku, who looks a lot more like Crono than Vegeta does.
Why would anyone choose to marry that npc tho?
>seethe at the fact that you picked the plump beauty that smells nice over the skin and bones platypunk that smells like a barn
>flaming homosexual in the background
I have the original release day one (delisted now on steam) and I played through it, I'm not buying the same game again with SE's shady as fuck business practices.
Serena is fucking TALL
>spinoff with your chad dad never ever
Feels awful, Irwin was the most based character in the game.
I see Veronica, I post Veronica.
This is better than those stiff and cringy animations from the actual game.
How is the combat system? I've only really liked the Dragon Quest Heroes games, and XI S just looks too much like standard JRPG comabt.
Veronica is the best
movie with voice
It has an ordinary turn-based combat system but you can fast forward it really quickly. not so boring.
I played it and enjoyed it, but I don't want to do the post game mainly because I'm okay with how the original story concluded with certain characters developing and the world having to rebuild after the evil is defeated
It alright.
I kinda stopped playing it a few months ago when xenoblade de came out and haven't touched it since. Should I start playing it again and marry veronica?
not to meme on you but it literally gets good after like 50 hours
50-150 hours were a ride that just got better and better but the opening stretch was passable
>selecting "Attack" with the occasional "Heal"
play on draconion you filthy casual
Are there any PC mods fixing the graphics yet?