Is it bad that the most infuriating thing I find about this game isn't how badly they screwed up the DMC formula, but of how unsubtle the social commentary is?
The reason why I tend to hate when people go the "muh symbolism," "muh allegories," "muh commentaries" route is because they often to make them too obvious, and this is such a blatant example of that.
What? The game shits on Vergil for doing this, ti paints him as an asshole who gets punished by getting his ass beat by his song. >how badly they screwed up the DMC formula What? It's done great, it's everything you'd want DMC to be.
Vergil gets his ass beat by his kid and clearly portrays him in the wrong.
Jose Anderson
>Human race has been enslaved by demons, but not literally. Instead with TV, everyone being kept fat and stupid with a soft drink, and peddled propaganda by a large news corporation whose led by a character that even looks like one of the big media moguls at the time (before he was #MeToo'd out of existence). It was basically American media culture: the game when it was still a more subtle version of America today.
David Jones
This game was one of the best games made in the last decade, wtf are you chums on about?
Adrian Ortiz
I'm trying to behave, why must you bait me.
Gabriel Butler
That was DmC not DMC5
Sebastian Edwards
>What? It's done great, it's everything you'd want DMC to be. Except a game that actually retains the game's Gothic visual themes, Industrial music influences, fixes the massive glaring problems of the game before it and a title that doesn't rehash the same storyline they've already pretty much used with less plot this time.
Grayson Richardson
especially if the offspring is deadweight
Michael Ramirez
That children need to go to sleep on time. >It's past your bedtime
That single mothers like Vergil can make it in this world.
Brandon Lewis
>That single mothers like Vergil can make it in this world. If they never stick around to raise the kid and run around jobless for years until they eventually get the chance to take the high ground and enact some domestic abuse on their child.
Dominic Thompson
It's okay to cut your son's arm off
Ethan Adams
Especially for NNN.
Liam Bennett
The worst part of the game is replaying it and realizing you have to play as V again
V is a lot more enjoyable when you realise how important Royal Fork and giving your familiars DT is.
Isaiah White
>not using the coop trainer so you can play every v mission as dante or nero
Henry Green
>>The reason why I tend to hate when people go the "muh symbolism," "muh allegories," "muh commentaries" route is because they often to make them too obvious, and this is such a blatant example of that.
No man, the plot is just nothing until vergil fanservice happens. That's all there is to it. All the things you listed are just fans trying to make a mountain out of DMC5's molehill sized plot.
Dante's arc is basically don't mind me, just gonna walk to my house to stab myself just to power up some more. .
Nero's arc is repeated from 4, except with the inferiority complex turned up to 11. V had no arc. Just kthxbye.
Blake Lopez
You people really exagerate how bad it is to play as V. He's really not that bad once you get used to him. He's certainly not as bad as the dice garbage in DMC4 or the chess game battle in DMC3 on DMD.
Xavier Smith
>until vergil Vergil has nothing either, user. He's just still having a hissy fit, that's the entire plot.
Luke Mitchell
Guys, can anybody make character cards for DMC characters in Honey Select 2? I'm asking for a friend.
>social commentary >DMC V, the "family reunion game starring vergil" ?
John Johnson
It was blatant foreshadowing, I don't know if they meant it to be as hilarious as it was. NT doesn't know how to be subtle, they think they need to hit you on the nose with everything like we're too dumb to understand nuance.
Lucas Rodriguez
>It was blatant foreshadowing, I haven't played DmC, what were they talking about?
Josiah Diaz
>in the last decade I thought you were being silly, at first. Then I realized the 2000s were more than 10 years ago.
Caleb Walker
>NT doesn't know how to be subtle, they think they need to hit you on the nose with everything like we're too dumb to understand nuance. Isn't that the exact same as DMC though?
Squirrel semen. The love interest earlier talks about how used it as ingredient for spells. Now the friendly devil also mentions as it something Dante could give to him as "gift".
Landon Martinez
In DmC you're trying to stop Mundus who is "controling the populatiion with debt" as a form of slavery. Dante finds an old friend of who tells him how to take down Mundus. Then when he's done he essentially tells Dante "who's going to take his place." Pretty much foreshadowing the fact that Vergil is planning on ruling the humans with his brother the entire game.