these guys are so cute
Why is caterpie trapped in a bowl? Mean!
I've never been so shocked by a twist in a video game. Probably because I put so much of my own time into that story thread rather than it just being cut scenes to watch. Yes I read the item description later, it doesn't mean I wasn't very surprised when I walked in after rescuing all the grubs.
>time to go check on my favorite grub da-
Tfw you eat your kids.
They're all safe, just being protected by the Grubfather while they metamorphize into their next stage of life.
Yeah that was his mistake letting them get captured, he should have eaten them
*dream nails you*
I better see a fucking "Home..." or you're dead, kiddo.
got pretty spooked the first time I found one that turned into the creepy monster thing
The next stage of life being big dick daddy voremonster
Is something for silksong at TGA realistic or is a shitty blogpost that says basically nothing all we‘re gonna get
seems reasonably likely that it'll be there
tfw you get locked up and raped by a big black man
With 4 arms and a creepy laugh no less
You can’t tell me it didn’t happen, I literally climbed up there hearing giggling and grub choking sounds.
finally picked this game up this week. Wish I had earlier. It's fun. I've always avoided metroidvanias, never thought I'd like them.
my little sister absolutely loves these little guys.
What's this thread about
Bugs and tiny weird black people in white masks
Comfy character design
the comfyist
Source, faggot. Or get shagged.
I feel it in my bones.
Fuck you, finding these guys is far better than including a decent number of upgrades that actually alter gameplay to be found in the massive, same-y looking world map!
>inb4 hurr there are 2 places with a different color, so that negates 95% of the map looking identical
lmao who are you talking to you schizo
cum jars
Fuck it, I freaked out too.
What do you mean?