
I need more games to trigger my megalophobia so I can get a rush. Unfortunately the things that really do it for me are mostly on the cosmic scale. Sometimes smaller things will do it like being in the middle of a massive radar dish half a kilometer wide and with a mirror finish, or standing on the edge of a megastructure sized water dam, sometimes.
But nothing so far has come close to warping near a star in Elite Dangerous or accidentally zooming into the surface of a sun in Space Engine. Being close to items with such size and power that are degrees of magnitude larger than anything you could experience on Earth is both horrifying and euphoric at the same time.

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You try Megaton Rainfall? Starts as you playing as some got and doing whatever you want on Earth, but you can just leave the planet, local solar system, greater solar system, and so on. I don't really have medalophobia, but something about being this speck of a human in the actual vast emptiness of the space ingame made my stomach hurt.

Oh yes! I forgot about that one, I loved that too. Flying past stars scared the shit out of me for awhile.

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I have had multiple nightmares about the stars in ED. Subnautica is pretty good for that feel.

The speed you approach them is a big part of it right?

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Even something like this doesn't cut it anymore, just not big enough.

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Sledding down this would be rad.

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Subnautica made me very uncomfortable for a good 10 hours. I couldn't play for more than an hour at a time.

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