Should Kratos ever fight the Egyptian gods? I know some of the gods, but I can't name a single mythical creature

Should Kratos ever fight the Egyptian gods? I know some of the gods, but I can't name a single mythical creature

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>can't name a single mythical creature
Someone hasn't played Age of mythology.
There could be scorpion-men, sphinxes, flying snakes, magical crocodiles, coyote faced men, mummies, massive birds and could even include fringe-greek-ish stuff and pre-islamic middle-eastern, desert lore in general with djinns, marids, landrays, etc

Kratos is voiced by a black guy so it’d make sense

Hands off my cute queen.

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>he never played Age of Mythology
oh no no no

sphynx you fucking retard, how did you not realize this? Anubis is also a dog god thing

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Cringing slightly at the edgy gross designs they would make for Anubis and Sobek

I think it's manageable. But I don't think God of War should have moved beyond Greek mythology to begin with -- at least not with Kratos.

Yes, I've always wanted Egyptian mythos to be made into a game and God of War would do nicely

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I thought the people who were afraid of mummies were Brits when they first started bringing "cursed" coffins to their museums. Are mummies ever established as dangerous in the myths?

I know there's lots of gods with animal heads, even one who is a beetle. But it seems a bit repetitive, design-wise.