Whatever happened to this game? Why did everyone leave?
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Everything outside of the main island was basically soulless. I don't want to look at another lego block again
people left because of potential and everything else go too bloated
I saw a guy on YouTube dealing 14826494739474 damage several times in a row, when I can’t see how much damage I’m dealing just with a quick glance that’s when you know something is wrong
Also they removed my favorite skill in the game, Strafe
Anyone down for some RevivalStory on 11th?
social media exists now, so you don't have to launch a gigantic game that takes minutes to load just to talk to friends. same reason mmos in general are no longer as popular. Why go through extra steps to be social?
do you want to interact with zoomer faggots and ethots? fuck off
>hating the best area old maple had to offer
shit taste
As soon as cash shop added pay to win shit the game died.
Current playing MapleStory. The game is in a much better spot than it was 14 years ago. Sure the community was a once-in-a-lifetime experience, but the internet experience has changed drastically since then. This goes for all MMOs. If you miss it, feel free to play the millions of private servers out there. I'm sure you'll quit very quickly after realizing how godawful the game truly was in today's standards.
Potentials saved the game. Certain dark scrolls and chaos scrolls being obtainable only by gacha was absolute garbage. And scrolls blowing up the equipment, no fucking thanks. I understand the cubing P2W argument, but understand that the game has drastically changed since Big Bang. Not only bosses, but elite mobs also drop cubes. You also get a huge amount with the constant events happening. Not only that, but the Auction House allows you to buy cubes with meso.
What's wrong with big numbers? You can reduce the amount of lines shown. Pretty odd argument.
Personally? No. If I ever did go back to old Maple, it'd be pre-3rd for sure, but wackyracer is too much of a massive sperg to run a server properly. Just look at "his" last three projects. I say "his" because 95% of the work was done by others.