Name 1 (ONE) Company who has made 0 bad games

Name 1 (ONE) Company who has made 0 bad games.

I'll start.

Attached: PlatinumGames.png (908x593, 39.18K)

I'm not a fan of thumb gymnastics and smashing two buttons

Also, companies that have never made a game above plodding mediocrity

Star Fox Zero, Wonderful 101. That ain't it.

Now THIS is video games

Attached: jagex.jpg (1200x569, 80.01K)

oh no no no no no

Attached: TMNT_Mutants_in_Manhattan_cover_art.png (265x377, 229.56K)

depends if you count runescape3 as a continuation of runescape or a new game

This is the only correct answer

Attached: 9D369F38-F0D6-4D1F-A55D-07E7B5963576.png (210x240, 3.35K)

Continuation, considering the old accounts are now RS3 accts.

That TMNT game was pretty ass.

Their TMNT game is terrible.

Star Fox Zero is Nintendo, they only assisted with asset creation and Nintendo hyped up their involvement on purpose due to them being a popular studio at the time.

It'd be like attributing Mario Kart 7 to Retro.