So apparently, @TGE_LDNM on Twitter and insta is what people claim the ceo of crepchiefnotify, which is the scalper group who scalped over 3500 ps5s.I checked his Twitter and he even retweeted some tweets from the “crepchiefnotify” Twitter, which makes me believe it’s him.
I found the ceo of crepchiefnotify, a group who scalped the next gen consoles
Ok? Who gives a shit.
Not your personal army. Nobody gives a fuck.
yeah I’ll be sure to send them some BBC pictures thanks OP that’ll show en. fucking scalper weenies
>poorfags going to these lengths because of their butthurt
this is why you need to get a job
thank him, consoleniggers get the rope
Who cares? He's just a symptom of the cuktire of consumerism. You voukd straight up kill this dude and 2 more just like him would pop up.
I haven’t been here since 2008 but WTF happened but to you faggots. I thought this was the asshole of the internet now you’re a bunch of bitches who do nothing harass game devs on social media
this is a chance for us to use our power for some good.
Based man, looks like the type of guy that gets all the women.
t. communist trash
Console scalping prevents retards from consooming even more, that's a good thing.
"not your personal army" has been around since before 2008 newfag.
Also nobody gives a shit about the PS5 as you can see with no threads even discussing it or the new Xbox.
commie trash? nigger we used to raid stormfront and trashed christain radio talk shows like Hal turner.
now I remember why I went back to something awful.
nypa you huge fucking retard.
Zig Forums still being contrarian trash, I see.
I swear you niggers would cut off your own dicks if it meant distancing yourself from popular opinions.
based chad
console niggers die
shut the fuck up newfag
stop trying to fit in, it's obvious your knowledge of old Zig Forums comes from watching e-celebs. Those were rare instances, that got remembered fondly, it's not like we raided something every single day you fucking tard.
Been a while since I've cringed this hard at something other than wojak #682 or some other retard rhetoric around here
Popular =/= good
Also since when is the fact that consoles are shit for technically illiterate folk an unpopular opinion?
cry more newfags I was a leading member of anonymous back in the day
>leading member of anonymous
>commie trash
>something awful
pick 2
is that supposed to make you look good or something?
Nypa faggot
I also conducted protests for occupy wall street
problem newfag?
cry more
you sound like the type of fag who'd suck up to trannies on SA
Not your personal army, dumb manchild.
Good for him. He is doing gods work scamming retards who can't wait 2 weeks
imagine being so retarded you don't have a ps5 rn
you're either poor or stupid
yeah what do you want to do about it? maybe reddit is more your speed
the more nigger consoles are kept away from consoomers the better
Fuck off as he said. NOT your personal army. Especially not for a dumbass who want to buy a console day one. If anything the scalpers are based. Yet read the fucking rules, nobody is gonna help you here :)
>Zig Forums vermin obsessed with cutting off dicks
oh wow, who would have thought
How are you still clinging onto this delusion?
Look at you. Fucking LOOK at you. Did you forget where you are? You're at Zig Forums. Fucking Zig Forums. Not Reddit, not Tumblr, not one of a myriad of fucking "safe spaces" where you can crouch in your hugbox and be coddled in cotton. You're in the asshole of the Internet, son.
Now eat a bowl of concrete and HARDEN THE FUCK UP.
I bet you love the woke corpos now
I also made the original Zig ForumsRage comic back in the day. It was my last gift to Zig Forums before I left
Yep it’s me; triple blue ange. The best drawfag Zig Forums ever seen.
Well I’m back to tell you newfags you’re a bunch of pussy ass moralfags who let the site get over run with magaboomers lol.
based anonymous leader
yeah fuck off faggot im glad that cringe Zig Forums rage shit died off
even wojak and frogs were better desu senpai
this is just sad
Nobody cares faggot. I've been here since 2004 and let me say this to you. Shut the fuck up and go back. Nobody is going to be your personal army. Hell nobody own a PS5 in Zig Forums. The people posting golden face do it ironically.
It's cool and all when people buy you shit as a kid, but that's really pathetic to say as an adult.
you wish you were an oldfag
>expecting the "asshole of the internet" to do good
>our power
lmao. go back to whatever youtube community you came from
Looks like someone couldn't buy PS5
Zig Forums doesn't even care about moot anymore, what makes you think you have any clout?
>this whole thread
lol if it is really you, run away. this place is not Zig Forums, it is anonymous facebook. All the good people left, the m_ods have an unironic agenda, the place is aids and cancer (unironically this time) and it is not worth even shitposting in anymore. Save yourself.
waste your energy fighting change in gaming, like sjws and micro transactions, not these neck beards profiting over the stupidity of others