What will be your lifepath/stat build/roleplay style for your V?

What will be your lifepath/stat build/roleplay style for your V?

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Penis 2

Street kid with a heavy focus on melee combat

max out cool and body for chad womanizer playthrough.

>technical is separate from intelligence

then what the fuck is the point of intelligence?

Body 10
Shotgun as a weapon
Walk on everyone's face

>0 int
>max cool

book it

I didn't know attributes were in the game

A blond twink cuckold with a small cut penis that has interracial threesomes with black male NPCs and average looking chubby white female NPCs.
Background: Corpo

How do I make my character a true Zig Forums?

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>everything is separate from cool

I'll make my skin color white to make the game stupidly easy.

Why is body even a fucking stat in a game where you can get gorilla arms?

What are his stats?

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>Can't romance Judy as Male V
whats the point bros

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romance Panam then.

im tired of these gay threads.

>Body 9
>Int 1
>Reflex 10
>Tech 1
>Cool 1

Weapon and melee build
Warpath to victory play style

You have to lift your gorilla arms.

I want the robo cock that dennis hopper has in space truckers, the one with the chainsaw pullcord start up ...cord .

Yes, with hydraulic tubes and machinery.

Where's the fucking exe?

Will max cool let me dick the Hispanic girl straight?

Corpo. Guns and hacking.

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killing all roastoids in night city

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I think they're capped at a starting of 3 based on the screenshot, and you havea total of 7 points to spend
>Life path
White Male
Black Hair
Hazel/Golden Eyes
Biggest Normal Penis
No Cyber Shit

corpo hacker mommy chaotic evil, max int and tech. penis 2

What Happened?!

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probably with extra dialogue options, I heard speechcraft is a perk you can level that is tied to cool stat.

>no V, I don’t like you like that
So you’ve chosen death.

I heard all the females are dykes and males cocksluts so you have to be female to date female and male to date male


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Corpo, Reflexes, Gorilla Arms.

>I'm your prom date you ugly sack of shit

I'll have your hands for a trophy, street rat!

No amount of money can prevent the curse of Slavjank. Poland definitely counts.
Witcher 3 also had a fuckton of bugs on release.

I wanted to do melee but it looks so bad. My back up was using shotguns but the leak gameplay had enemys taking more then 3 shotgun blasts that you can charge up to do more damage to go down.
I don't know what ill do now. Maybe hacker man with a revolver.

>white male
>black hair
What did he mean by this?

Why yes, I do exclusively listen to Body Heat Radio. How could you tell?

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>Life path locks off romance with some girls
>Voice or genital locks off romance with some girls
They really haven't shown off that many characters in the game, how many can you romance at any given time? Literally 1? Is it going to be a crapshoot whether you actually do the right things to get her to like you? Are most people that play this going to be cockblocked incels ingame?

Max Int, everything else at 1

the funny implication of this system is, if you can freely assign your entire pool of points, you can make a very cool anemic limp-wristed idiot.

Can't go below 3

V doesn't since you forced to voluntary let Johnny take over your body to finish the main story.

Pretty gay desu

>straight white male
>as clean and elegant looks as the game will let me
>pistols and hacking
>murder every single tranny and filthy gangster i can.

Still not buying Cyberpunk 2077

Uusually it's linked to xp/skill point gain
Put it at max and dump charisma (why the fuck did they call it cool???) like a true metagaming chad

How should I make a Sam build?

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Zig Forumsros why does my steam page say it releases September 10th even though I'm in the time zone for a 9th release

Cool effects some weapon skills and shit, it makes sense that it wouldnt be called Charisma.

Corpo, max body and reflexes, black skin male

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Honestly about on par with OP's stats, plus gorilla arms. Maybe lower int to 2, and add to reflexes.

Because Valve is retarded.

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+3 cool + reflexes +1 int
Corpo for mommy, god i hope there is more to her romance than fucking.

Knowing how easy it is to break Witcher 3 im pretty sure CP77 will fall into the 1 charisma 100 speech trap

I wonder how fast people will find the most broken builds

Torn between becoming Johnny Mnemonic or Bill S. Preston Esq.
I guess both would be reflex builds.

>cheat engine
>all stats at 10
I want my character to be at least as good as I am IRL

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