What are some of your favorite animated adaptions of vidya franchises?
What are some of your favorite animated adaptions of vidya franchises?
on* my apologies.
This song sums up the Donkey Kong Country series in general
>10 seconds of goofyness
>Sicko Mode
Never seen the show but this song is unreasonably good.
Even as a child I knew this show was hot garbage, but nothing will bring me to hate this show
DKC is such an odd show but it's a good watch. DK having this lush singing voice while the rest of the characters just sing with their normal VAs is hilarious but it does lead to some great songs.
There are better options. Also the live action segments of Super Show are pretty based.
I liked season 1 of Sonic SatAM. Season 2 was bad and it was rightfully cancelled, but I'm not sure why there's so much butthurt surrounding it. I guess it has something to do with the Archie comics, but those looked like shit to begin with. I also liked the Sonic OVA, but that's mostly because the soundtrack was an actual masterpiece. I'll never understand why the south island theme never got used again by Sonic Team
>I liked season 1 of Sonic SatAM
Which one is that? Is that the good one with Long John Baldry as Robotnik or the shitty one with all the obnoxious side characters like Antoine?