What's the best way to get into these games?

What's the best way to get into these games?

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With your cock in your hand

>a jav card in a game
what is this game I need to know

but i need both hands to play?

Obviously the Yakuza games. The Yakuza games let you date JAV pornstars

in what order do you recommend me play this game?

0 and count upwards

all the games are on ps4. The Kiwami games are essentially remakes with more content

0 > Kiwami 1 > Kiwami 2 > 3 > 4 > 5 > 6 >7

Judgment is by the same guys but is more a spinoff and doesn't really affect the rest of the series

3, 7, 6, 1, 4, 2 is the optimal playing order.
5 is all optional side-story

Either 1, Kiwami 1 or 0. Every other game in the series references those, after that play them in plot/release order but please, replay 0 once you're done with 5.