Started playing this 2 weeks ago and I've been autistically playing it non-stop since then...

Started playing this 2 weeks ago and I've been autistically playing it non-stop since then. Imandra is still kicking my ass. Why does no one mention this game here and also thoughts on the new Yukon map?

Attached: snowrunner.jpg (1600x900, 847.72K)

Because the other 7 people on Epic games have been playing some fucking fanfiction game on Tabletop Simulator like the faggots they are.

I had no idea it was an epic games exclusive, don't even have epic store on my computer.

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I don't have wheel to fully enjoy it. I've played mudrunner with x360 pad and it was still decent. I like offroad but it's niche.

I actually enjoy it more with kbm more than a controller for some reason. I always do racing games with a controller, but for some reason kbm feels better with this game.

How do you get analogue throttle and breaks on M&KB?

is it off epic yet?

Ok so I really enjoyed Mudrunner but I was hesitant to pick this up because there's no hardcore mode
Have they implemented anything similar since then?

>Release date: April 28, 2020
Still a few months to go.

Finally a thread about this masterpiece, this is a game I can always revert to and enjoy when there is nothing hot to play, this is emergent gameplay done right and literally the only proper """"strand"""" type game. I was trying to play Death Stranding sometime after this and it was piss easy, lacking depth and overall shit. Coming from Mudrunner, it fixes all that was lacking there. Every route you take, you will have challenges to overcome, what a great fucking game.

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