Why is Faggot Lives Matter & Nigger Lives Matter on a videogame?

Its a Damn shame i will have to pirate Cyberpunk cause it seems a Bit too Woke in terms of a Videogame....

Attached: 1607504263742.png (1451x1119, 2.79M)

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Still, I'm sure they appreciate your free advertising.

>transgender flag
have fun ignoring all modern video games if you get offended this easily

>Its a Damn shame i will have to pirate Cyberpunk
you were planning on buying the game in the first place

Silence, chud.


faggots still get offended even if u have or not have a flag for their cause, i mean they will never be a woman and they are retarded so why does a AAA gaming company pull this shit?

oh the irony kek

Not OP, but this is why I decided not to buy new video games any more.

now im not thanks to their woke signals, i saved my money.

I already ignore modern games because they're shit.