Post WEBMs

Post WEBMs.

Attached: 2020-12-09 08-55-50.webm (750x420, 2.93M)

Attached: 1607231388109.webm (1146x638, 2.62M)

Attached: 1607243103345.webm (1280x720, 1.77M)

Attached: 1600741393286.webm (1280x720, 2.66M)

just awful

Attached: close call.webm (1244x700, 1.1M)

Attached: flat is justice.webm (750x420, 2.91M)

Attached: btfo.webm (1209x680, 2.96M)

Attached: rdr.webm (770x432, 2.86M)

Can't wait for holiday to get comfy and go through RDR2 again on my new pc and tv

how is rdro for casual play? I heard the monetization is cancerous, but it looks really comfy.

Monetization isn't a big deal. Very few items are only available to buy with the premium currency, and you can earn a fair amount of it for free anyway

>how is rdro for casual play?
It would have been perfect for casual play but they went and jewed it fucking hard so you're going to be grinding for weeks to unlock any roles vs people who got 100 gold to start with, bought every role day 1 etc and just got to enjoy the game.

>and you can earn a fair amount of it for free anyway you can't.
>Very few items are only available to buy with the premium currency
ALL of the roles require 15+ Gold each.

They nerfed dailies, nerfed bounty payouts, and you can no longer keep your daily streak going indefinitely.

Every role is locked behind Gold and Gold is now INCREDIBLY hard to get.

>They nerfed dailies, nerfed bounty payouts, and you can no longer keep your daily streak going indefinitely.
Nigga what? So they just reset your streak if you were making too much money?

what do you use for recording? I wanted to use ShareX but it freezes up every recording for around 4 seconds after it starts before recording stuff properly. I'd use shadowplay instead but the quality is always so lossy as well


It now resets at 28 days no matter what, you just get a lil cash and a treasure map.
Daily payouts have been halved, so you only get 0.1 Gold per daily to start with, up to a maximum of 0.25, BUT, you only get that 0.25 Gold rate for a SINGLE fucking day of dailies before it resets.

They've gone full fucking jew and are pushing a F2P tier model to pretty much force people to buy gold.

Attached: equality.webm (1280x720, 1.76M)


Attached: DG_Gas.webm (1280x720, 2.33M)

Jesus, I heard they released a RDO standalone, is that f2p or something? I wouldn't be shocked if they rolled back the bank accounts of all those /rsgg/ autists who'd grinded out thousands of bars

Been a year and a half, maybe I should give New Game+ a try. Anything new or different?

Attached: stealth kill.webm (1600x900, 2.91M)

Nah, you still have to buy RDO but the funny thing is there isn't much to do besides PVP if you don't buy the roles, not that the roles are any good since two of them are just "DRIVE CART, DRIVE CART BUT DAMAGES TAKE YOUR MONEY" and then naturalist which is just plain retarded and only designed to make you hate the game and buy gold.

>is that f2p or something?
It was $5 as an introductory price, so practically F2P.

It's also made the hacking situation even fucking worse than it was because accounts are no disposable.

Honestly fuck Rockstar, RDO had so much fucking potential and the core of what's there is great, but they've made it way to fucking cancerous to get at.

Attached: Dailies.jpg (767x186, 52.71K)

Attached: 1590780329579.webm (640x360, 1.53M)

Attached: rouge.webm (1680x1052, 2.46M)

Attached: 1598358621266.webm (852x480, 2.17M)

Attached: The Last of Us™ Part II_20200621223003_3.webm (900x506, 1.15M)

>want to get back to playing this game
>controller broke
>only other controller I have is a Sixaxis with no vibration
Sucks because Vibration makes this game just feel 10x better to play, almost essential.

RDR2 was amazing.
if only rockstar would just ditch the GTA 3 formula though

Attached: 1539628426561.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

If the game weren't 100gb, I'd probably still keep it installed just for the shoot-banging

Attached: empowerment.webm (1280x720, 1.5M)

Fearless storytelling.

Is Days Gone any good?

Wait, you can play as a female? That looks really fun.

Attached: ggrave.webm (1680x1024, 1.93M)

Attached: 1451720123223.webm (720x452, 2.86M)

Questionable. It's absurdly repetitive and janky but I enjoyed the fuck out of it cause riding the bike was fun enough once upgraded and the zombies/infected felt actually threatening.

Totally recommended if cheap, have time to waste and will play on the hardest difficulty

Sweet i'll give it a shot, the lack of character custimization is a bit off putting, but grindy 7/10 jank is my jam.

Man I love this game, really do hope we get a game in the future that actually tries to be innovative with their combat mechanics.