>been in development for a few years already
>recently posted listings for new employees this year
>was stated that the game is still 7 years out
What are your expectations/hopes? Personally I hope since it's gonna be in the oven longer than any previous entry and that Ken is finally confirmed to not be coming back to the series that it'll be really good like Bioshock 2.
Here's also the current leak from a year or so back that so far has lined up with all official announcements with the game.
Been in development for a few years already
That explains the leak from years ago that showed a white board drawing recovering something from rapture.
We all thought rapture rising was fake.
>it'll be really good like Bioshock 2
I don't understand you faggots. Bioshock 2 is the weakest of the 3.
Bioshock has been shit since the first.
if it isn't in rapture then I'm not interested. They fucked up big time by going the anthology route with Infinite.
I dunno. Rapture feels kind of used up as a setting. I would say make it a prequel but Infinite already did that with the DLC.
>unifying the Bioshock 2 gameplay with the Bioshock Infinite gameplay
>that description of basic hub worlds like they're some new innovative thing the devs came up with and not a basic component of the genre Bioshock dumbed down
>"proposing a GAAS-type management"
This doesn't sound good man
Rapture should have been forgotten after the first game, even if 2 was good. It's a great setting but that doesn't mean it needs to be constantly retread.
It did it already but it in the worst way. The tiny prequel section in the second game was better.
Yeah it's definitely worrying but i'm hoping so badly they won't fuck this up. If the GAAS still sticks I hope it's just for some tacked on multiplayer mode and won't affect development of the main game.
>It's a great setting but that doesn't mean it needs to be constantly retread.
This, i'm much more open to a new place instead of Rapture, it's story is already over.