I hope you're ready to bust ass through this fascist playground

>i hope you're ready to bust ass through this fascist playground

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That's pretty based, we need more videogames where you can punch Nazis.

You capitalized nazi. Your employer is being contacted as we speak, sir.

That's most triple A games though, even if it doesn't have nazis.

equality is games where you punch minorities as a white nationalist and your enemy is American Judaism

You are looking for things that are not even there you diehard The Quartering fan...

can I kill her?

The Quartering is defending the game though?

>Fascism is a good thing and we should all be supporting it

Yeah bros maybe this worl d isn't so bad after all, huh?

She's talking about the corporations being authoritarian
It's not what you think you schizo nigger
she's not talking about white people

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Imagine being on this amount of cope.


>The Quartering fan
Don't even know who that is.

german people were very happy under fascism

hey mike, it's jim, just recieved an email from head corp, we apparently aren't allowed to say the n*zi word anymore, make sure to censor it in future posts or i'll reconsider your paycheck, thanks

I saw the stream imbecile
it's a tutorial made by arasaka (giant authoritarian corporation)
kys nigger it doesn't have anything to do with modern politics,whiteness,trump or whatever

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This but unironically.

*Specific Germans according to shitty reatard Nazi ideology

You're probably the kind of guy who gets mad when far-right content gets TOS'd cause muh freedom of speech even though that shit wouldn't exist in your fantasy land anyway

Can I kill it?

>can't kill her
>can't kill any "important" black people
Mods can't come fast enough.

How can I get a job posting on Zig Forums?

Please contact me kind sir.

All yours,


Its a military combat trainer, that was cracked for use by civilians. Do you think this is out of character or strange for the setting?
Its called cyberPUNK. Punk, as in calling soldiers/police fascists. What the fuck do people expect?

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It's fine lads. Leave her to me, I will covert her with the power of my dick.

the black lady is literally just crack.exe that you apply to military software to use it to train combat in the tutorial

Are far right conservatives the most fragile snowflakes that exist? I keep hearing on Zig Forums that trannies and all the SJWs and stuff get mad at everything.
But the majority of people I see getting upset are threads like this where far right people are seething over the fact that a game has a black character in it or a trans character in it.

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The only good fascist is a dead fascist.

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find your own words faggot

For some reason a lot of people who haven't read Neuromancer assume that its Lord of the Ring with blasters, and don't catch the anti-authoritarian vibes.

ah yes, the cyberpunk game set in a corporate dominated shithole distopia will certainly have a pro-megacorp message.

i'm not ever sure if people like OP are trolling or if they are so fucking retarded

>snowflake projection

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>politically anti-authoritarian

wtf bros?

it is just pure contrariansim, i predict there will be a slight shift to the right perhaps a few decades after the current left-dominated rhetoric becomes the new norm and therefore causes youth to rebel against the system

too late user, I already made up my mind you can't stop me now

>He thinks normal Judaism is distinct and innocent

>gigantic hand model in frame
I fucking hate it

funny thin is with these Zig Forums types is, they decry all corporations as being owned by jews(who apparently run the world through them), but they still blindly support capitalism.
whenever some leftoid wannabe commie bitches about it they have a fit(even though leftys are the biggest consoomers today)

>I'm special because I don't hate black people or trannies
No one cares you faggot

Like how authoritarian corporations force tranny bathrooms and BLM down our throats?

You didn't capitalize Employer. The Authorities are being contacted as we speak, Xir.

can you destroy it or is this thing an essential npc?

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the corporations want to make profit, nothing more and nothing less.
putting on an inclusive facade draws in more customers, making them more money.

you gotta leave the rest of the world for the sequel

Nooooo, conservatism is the real punk, leftists are the establishment and counter culture is being a god fearing traditional christian man. Cyberpunk should be about going to work in time and donating to charity.

so kill yourself cuz ur-fascist

>sex worker
you are a WHORE and always will be
bathe in fucking acid

Yeah that's why companies like twitter and netflix are bleeding money right?

Lmao you clearly havent seen the sperg out the moment someone says "nigger".

Pop-culture is downstream from Zig Forums. Zig Forums is like a pendulum that swings out of sync with the popular culture pendulum, so we are always a bit ahead. Liberal before Obama, fashy before the second civil war. As the bombs start dropping, Zig Forums will be pacifist, ahead of the truce.

>bleeding money
i don't know much about their finances but the second wokeness starts being unprofitable they will shift on to whatever is in vogue next.

get it throught your head, capitalism dosen't take sides, it just depends on making more money

I've seen more sperging out from the people that are getting banned from a video game for saying it.

Leave him, he's a shill. He gets paid to do this.

I am absolutely not gonna help whores.

private company etc etc.
if they don't want you saying something on their platform they they won't let you

You fags on the left talk a lot of shit, but let's get down to the point What is really more based: protecting minorities/ their cultures or just having sex with their women?

>just having sex with their women?

you got me, i just want some sweet, sweet chocolate.

>Can't play as a cyber fascist
>can't shoot that bald bitch in the face and diverge into a new questline as a result

Not buying.