Mass Effect 5

They announced a new game along with the remastered trilogy, but what the fuck can they possibly do with the story at this point?
A sequel to Andromeda is very unlikely, given the poor reception.

Safest bet is some kind of prequel, or maybe a smaller side story within the Milky Way. Either that or they choose one of the ME3 endings as canon and just advance the timeline.

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Reboot; with more lgbtq+ and poc representation

take great characters like garrus or tali liara or shepard and make them lgbtq+ more diverse etc

Set in back in the Milky Way a few hundred years after the Reaper War. Just pretend Andromeda never happened.

They'd still have to pick a canon ending for that though, right?

it's weird to title something with a number that retroactively changes a non numbered title to a mainline entry. especially when that game is a universally panned turd

considering the canon end is the stupid "robots and people are the same now" I dont see how

In a post-Andromeda world, ME3 is now considered at least passable by most of the fanbase.

This is what I fear. It's like these writers cannot write something being there naturally. It's thousands of years in the future. Nobody gives a shit if someone stapled a penis on their forehead.

Never again.
I will always be mad.