List all the memes.
>shooter with Ember shirt
Dangerously based
>man of shad
what's with Shad and Homer Simpson? its in alot of comics of his
>Black Lives Matter
>Fidget Spinner
>Screams in Edge
>Hot Topic
>Care Bears
Holy shit, fuckin Shad.
he added hime simpson as backgriund character and everyone spotted him so he simply kept it as a recurring character
Friendly reminder that this is supposed to be Shad's self insert.
incorrect, Shad is swole as fuck irl for some reason
>el hombre de shad
Okay, I'll admit this did get a laugh out of me.
>be a professional artist
>mastered all drawing techniques
>have the most horrible and hideous artstyle on top of being the biggest edgelord in the block
seriously what the fuck is wrong with Shadman? why he turned out like this?
I like shad despite his fag and ass shit
>last shad drawing was June 30th
I miss the nigga like you wouldn't believe
>professional artist
He should just do more of the goth femboy getting fucked desu
as far i know shad is hired by many other animators to work on backgrounds, coloring, etc
where did he go bros
Take it easy Babe
Some fags are trying to cancel him for pedo shit, all in all a shitty situation
>teacher is hot
>I'm into guro
The perfect image.
nice pikabutt
Anyone who makes their living off that shit is a prof by definition midwit.
He is busy doing something
why didnt they stop him?
too weak from eating bugs all day
Honestly would, at least a grope and taste
>most hideous
I understand not liking it but his style is far from the worst he's atleast wiling to change and better his style remember what it looked like when he first started uploading shit
>Boomer dad
Why is he so based?
you're just mad he wont commission for furfags
>Recognizing the ember shirt but not Eric and Dylan
Common guys.
Nah that's actually Jay and silent bob
>those tshirts
>6th panel
Is this loss?
I unironically like his older style because the females he drew were hotter in a trashier kind of way.
lolno, he is a twink
how much money do you make user?
less than Shad